True, but it’s a double edged sword. If people can use SAFE with their current browser, they probably aren’t going to switch to a dedicated one because it provides better security and anonymity, while they probably should.
People will expect that on SAFE they can browse privately and anonymously, but the fact is that a regular browser will be highly insecure. It’s going to be a piece of cake to get people to visit honey pots on SAFE that de-anonymises them. All it takes is a few lines of JavaScript. One could avoid it by using plugins like NoScript and reading JavaScript files yourself before enabling them, but no one is going to do that.
In the Western world de-anonymisation is usually not a big deal, but in too many parts in the world it gets people killed. I honestly fear that it’s going to happen to SAFE users. The vast majority of SAFE users will be clueless in regards to opsec, so we, the technically competent, should do as much as we can for them in advance. Preparing secure browser configrations is a must in my opinion. Your SAFE browser shouldn’t have direct access to the internet, period.