SAFE Network - Test 12b (Network offline, end of test)

Yes end of the road for this test. We have been tracking at least 2 bugs this afternoon since 3pm GMT and these have now shown section fragmentation due to accumulation error from a single invalid node. This one node was able to send a message groups believed due to a quorum bug, this amplified over the sections causing route failure. Several pending features would have prevented this, much of which is in a parallel tasks (data chains, node age, signature validation of messages which is in a PR for review).

We will take these off line and for sure kill these bugs in short time for another iteration. It must be said we would not find these bugs without the community testnets. These testnets are a huge help in showing us the impact of many code paths that we simply would take months to try and test internally.

So it’s goodnight from me and goodnight from testnet12_b (for now :wink: )