There would’ve been an unsatisfactory product 100x by now—but e.g. PARSEC etc. etc. wasn’t enough; and now there’s more than 2x less code ever since the not too distant PARSEC days and other refactors. The only thing preventing release is a little more time & deciding that you can’t get a truly perfect product, but can get one much closer than anything that brings bulky slowness against the original ideals for the Network. Of course, at some point it must be weighed that maybe some point in the future actually is a little too far IMO, as there’s a limit to most everything.
Guessing on a timeline is a futile effort as far as this project goes. If I were attempting it, I would ask each individual backend developer on the MaidSafe team in an anonymous poll how long they think it will be before a v1 product is released. Then I would probably take the longest timeline suggested there and multiply it by 3 to get my rough estimate(cause most devs always estimate wayyy too early) on the most likely time till a product is cranked out. And if most believe they can’t even offer up a general idea of when they think it will be ready, there likely must be a few unknowns and tasks so its best to just grind away until a super clear picture is painted.
Sign of the times, that we needs tools that ensure privacy, security and freedom.