Safe Network Dev Update - September 10, 2020

Just wow!!


I’d like to take a look at Rust one day. It does sound like it has moved the system oriented programming language space on to a new level.


It’s a big claim, but in many ways it’s accurate. Now it needs to async automatically and let us write straight logic. If it could then handle interior/exterior mutability automatically we would be a good place (leave the mutkeyword, but say I will handle that for you now you told me it can mutate) :slight_smile:


Just an FYI, the Safe name brand poll is now closed. It was a close vote at the end. But “Safe Network” with a space has pulled through as the winner. Thanks to all who participated!



in greek only the summary through google translate


Is there a doc outlining why this was formulated in this particular way, eg why 2 reserved bytes and not 1 or 3 or 10? Not that I am personally interested in critique, I’m more interested in it for historical purposes down the track, documenting thoughts, intentions (or absence of), historical context, influence and precedence can be a handy resource in five or ten years when those spare bits might be subject of debate. Even if it’s just something informal it can be good to have something publicly available. Much easier to do it when the decision process is fresh than six months later.


That was an arbitary number really.

Version is a simple version, so any breaking change increments this.
Length - up to 4Gb files/chunks or can be set at 0 for streaming (radio etc.)
Flag, currently only uses 1 bit to indicate qp2p message or a consumer message.


Sounds a lot like what HTTP proto concluded was a good pattern :stuck_out_tongue: , HTTP headers vs body and order of sending so(headers hit first then body buffers). Not necessarily the specific lengths but the concept anyways.

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Anyone who has every worked with asynchronous code and callbacks knows that nested callback hell is the worst. Async/Await for me as starting developer made everything so much easier. For that same reason I think the core developers will have much better time with less errors and straightforward readable promise logic.


Why is parsec being removed from routing? I thought the development of parsec was the jam…

Explanations given here:


Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! Safe lives in our imagination, let’s put it together in the imagination of the whole world!

I add the translation into Bulgarian in the first post :dragon: