I feel that way too, but I think the key here is that it is just feeling and seeming. We don’t have any guarantees that the current path is going to give us a functioning network. PARSEC seemed to be the solution on the paper, but when implemented, it had performance issues to the point of failure. As far as I see it, we might run into performance issues (or some other crucial detail) with CRDT -based solutions as well. And because we don’t know what it takes to make this thing work, we really don’t have any knowledge of the distance to the finish line. I haven’t heard anyone using any other “metrics” to the distance except feeling.
By the way I still don’t know why exactly PARSEC didn’t work? Do we know for sure that it was just sheer size of the gossip graph, or was it some bug causing memory issues?
Whatever it was, I think the use of CRDTs makes very much sense. But reading the last dev Update about bringining in CRDT specialist because of order -related things makes me wonder if we will eventually go back to using PARSEC somehow in combination with the benefits of CRDTs.
And if CRDT alone is the answer, I am a bit scared there may be another project somewhere lurking in darks. The tech has been around for some time.
My thoughts here don’t stem from any technical knowledge, but these are the kind of speculations going on in my head, preventing me from buying and driving the price up for my own part.
This could be the case, but I don’t understand why? I sincerely mean that I don’t understand why smaller market should equal to lower price? It seems to be the case because after we lost Poloniex the price dropped immediately… but after a while it recovered with no major reasons from the project itself.
What is the thinking behind the idea, that bigger markets would automatically lead to higher prices? I get the idea that shrinking markets are bad news and growing markets are good news, but when the market size is past the “news” stage, why would it matter? It probably does, but I don’t just understand why?
(Just like I don’t understand why table salt is so cheap? The cheapest salt on my local shop costs about 1€ / kg and the most expensive about 23€/kg. 1 kg is maybe somewhere between 6-12 months of a household use. No one would give a damn if the cheapest salt would be 2€/kg. So why is it so cheap? It seems to me you could double the price without any impact on the sales. You never see any advertisement saying “Hey we have really cheap salt here.”)