These updates are an absolute sight to behold. So proud of all you guys. Excellent call on the summit. Keep crushing it. Fleming is going to make so many heads explode.
SNAPP is looking great so far! Just some (hopefully) constructive feedback.
The meatball menu and settings gear (when hovered over and highlighted) should perhaps have the same padding as the back arrow, on the left in the header. When any of these on the right are hovered over, the highlight touches the very edge of the app which just seems, off. It looks like it’s any of these on the right side of the app.
I LOVE seeing the SAFE Network logo in my macs menu bar but it is a bit grey and also smaller compared to the stock items. This may be intentional and of course it’s all to taste. Maybe its meant to kind of ‘blend in’ or larger sizes may not fit as well but I think it could be the same white and if possible, larger as if it is straight up meant to be there with the rest.
I totally understand that this is the first release so no pressure or judgment just wanted to say this app definitely deserves a fresh and dedicated icon for the desktop that shows up in the applications menu etc
I think that is all I have for now. So far, so good! Really simple setup and easy to navigate.
@JimCollinson Great video, music was good too.
@maidsafe Great update and excellent news on aging too.
Hopefully we do not get some cat & dog fights in the cli.
I predict it will be a snappy application. I will crawl back into my hole again
Excellent work @maidsafe and our thanks goes out to the whole team. It may now seem like repetitive work now writing/rewriting sections of code, but in the end it all pays off. Especially after the documentation is done.
Pleasure to watch all these streams of work coalesce into the next phase! Definitely a good call on prioritizing Fleming release over a large scale marketing event this year. Looking forward to helping out on that when the time is right.
I agree its best to wait til Fleming is released to hold the online summit so we can be talking about things you can do now instead of hype it up then be like now wait a few months. Of course this begs the question in the back of everyones mind… when Fleming sir? lol I know I will hear it here first when there is a release date. I have to speculate soon just cause this isn’t the type of thing you say “delay” if its gonna be like a year. Hopefully much sooner if the target was for the online summit and it just took slightly longer.
The online summit was originaly planned on 11th. November. So no before that.
This is a known issue and a fix is currently being worked on. Watch this space.
Love the use of dog for sniffing out links . It got me thinking about other three-letter animals
: for use with a greedy algorithm
: for revealing secrets
: for implementing deception strategies
: [deprecated, please use cee]
: for when you’ve milked a very average idea for all its worth
Don’t worry, I’ve stopped thinking now.
Just like its Cable tv counterpart
Or take an idea to/over the moon
And to complete your list: ant and bat.
Edit: and CoW is Copy-on-write.
I may be the problem as it is very early and I am only just having my first cup of coffee…
Downloaded SNApp on Ubuntu made it executable, it ran, I clicked outside of the window and it disappeared. Now it wont run again… but sadly I need to.
It’ll be docked in the task bar and as raised earlier in this thread the icon is dark and difficult to see. Try and see if you can find it - it should be in the top right hand corner of the screen.
I counted about 8 Epic tasks that are in progress or yet to be done. Once the super ants get through these we get to enjoy something never seen before on the planet. How good will that be!!!
Yes I looked and suspected that may be the issue. I’ll try again when I’m home later but I couldn’t see even the slightest hint of it. It was not even 6am yet so I’ll use that as my defense if upon my return its staring me square in the face
Hmm, it should be there - this is what it looks like on my Ubuntu 19.04 VM:
That’s what you get with these privacy browsers, completely invisible!
I can confirm it IS there - just very difficult to see right now. Looking forward to the next point release increasing the contrast as discussed above. On ubuntu 18.04…
Another great update, what can I say that has not been put so eloquently before. All this hard work is paying off.
Yeah, it is tricky to see - the guys are working on it so hopefully we’ll get a patch / new release out soon.
Glad you appreciate the update!
Or perhaps as an alias for wallet transfer
I downloaded the new Safe Network app, after I had deleted the Safe browser (as advised). It opened fine, I was able to install the browser from within the app. However, it appears it’s not connecting to the network and there is no way for me to do that.
Am I missing something?