Safe Network Dev Update - November 26, 2020

sn_cli is absolutely not ready for any form of use at the moment I’m afraid. I’m litereally testing how it goes against updated sn_client right now (tests are failing as expected for a lot functionality).

@folaht, i just noted on the issue, but you’re running an older version of rust, you’ll need to rustup update.

So we can include it in the CLI and not require the whole sn_node code if that’s already installed.


Just for the benefit of readers who don’t follow the git repos, the fix was compiling using Rust 1.48.0, rather than the older 1.22.1. From looking at the now closed ticket, there was no issue with the code and it was environmental.


Amateur sleuth work at best, but…
In 2019 our last dev update was on 19 Dec before the Christmas break.
In 2018 the last update for the year was 18 Dec.

Assuming what seems apparent this year our last update will be on the 17th of December.

Only 17 days until then, should we also presume any test will probably not be released right before folk go on Christmas break?

Please feel free to improve on my theory :grin:

I am going to place a friendly wager on Thursday 10th December!

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That is the problem, you don’t want the brand associated with functions, that is what Kotler’s marketing text books tells you.

When you think of Thermos, do you think of the company name that invented the product or the function?


Yes, well tell that to Coke, Google, Kleenex, Band-Aid, and Chapstick. More precisely, this is less about functions and more about product categories. This is about the interplay between and perception of the brand vs the generic. As an unknown brand you (usually) don’t want to market under a generic term (although in certain B2B commodity industries like shipping, you might). However, if in a b2c or b2b2c market you’ve achieved such adoption that your brand has become synonymous with the product category, know that you’ve made it.

By the way, as of 2020, Thermos has 85% market share. Thanks for making my point for me.

It don’t mean much that you can spin words so the point sounds good.

You statement proves my point but then you spin it so it sounds good for the points you want to make without backing it up. Is it worth the risk of confusion to gain recognition? Is confusion a good and wanted way to create recognition? is there other ways, better ways? Interesting questions that beautiful sounding words don’t answer.

A point sounds good when it is intelligibly constructed. Your response does not make sense.

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Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! Let’s forge the vision in to reality!

I add the translation into Bulgarian in the first post :dragon: