PARSEC was resource intensive so it was removed for a more efficient method. Much was learned with the addition of PARSEC however in the end it was not up to the task. The past few Dev updates have great information and details on how and why it was removed and what it was replaced with.
PARSEC was a mountain we had to climb to survey the possible easier and faster routes in the valleys below.
Until we climbed that mountain, we could not see the easier ways forward.
Replies are much appreciated - I will check out the other updates. I can understand how that has evolved over the course of the project. Thanks.
It still is a big breakthrough, but the smarty-pants people found easier and more efficient ways of doing the same things. Also PARSEC will still be used elsewhere. Building great software is an organic process, or like the image of the Mandelbrot Set, it infinitely evolves, and branches out, yet remains true to its core, its central purpose.
I tested the scripts on a raspberry pi4 with raspbian buster , it simply works.
I just had to make a “rustup update” to get rid of a cargo error due to my cargo being slightly outdated.
These scripts make it really easy to install the safe cli and vault from source on the raspberry, without headache. Thank you for it !
Great work @nice. Thanks for testing them out. I’ve added Raspbery Pi 4 and Debian 10.04 Buster to the README and also how to update rust if the Cargo lock file error happens. See SAFE Network farming on github.
it is actually raspbian 10, not debian
cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)”
NAME=“Raspbian GNU/Linux”
VERSION=“10 (buster)”
Updated, thanks for the corrections!
I have a friend sending me a raspberry pi 3b+ (I think, something like that) that he doesn’t use anymore, and this is going to be my first project after I figure out what it is. Fair play to you on doing this @happybeing, very cool
I have a Pi4 running as a Pi-hole. I’m going to transfer these functions to my old fileserver box and explore @happybeings scripts on the Pi4. I’m searching on Ebay for a used Pi2 or 3 cos either of them is up to the job of running as a Pi-hole.
Also just found out about the Banana Pi AIUI its like a PI but with a SATA port.
EDIT: I just ordered one of these Banana Pi BPI-M1 - Banana Pi Wiki
Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! Your positivity inspires us to do good!
I add the translation into Bulgarian in the first post
You can find a german version of this weeks dev update at: SAFE Network Entwickler Update - 18. Juni 2020 - Neuigkeiten - SAFE Network Deutsch