SAFE Network Dev Update - July 2, 2020

Second will do and I’m grabbing it now because I want to tag onto the dev update. First though it is excruciating reading about progress in so many areas without being able to play - but encouraging too. Thank you team for keeping up the pace.

In the mean time, thank goodness for safe vault -t run-baby-fleming which I only discovered this week. I recommend giving it a go (see Run a local network) as it is a really easy way to explore and play with the SAFE CLI commands, which are very cool.

This enabled me to explore getting syncer to work with SAFE and to update safegit to work with the SAFE CLI.


Syncer would provide a local disk on your PC which caches files locally, and so is fast, but saves everything to SAFE in the background as you work. This gives you effectively ‘infinite’ storage in a local directory, accessible at about the same speed as your local drive. More on the Syncer topic.

Syncer is written in Rust and uses ‘rsync’ to store and retrieve data. This is good because ‘rsync’ is similar to the SAFE CLI and I hope will be relatively easy to get working with SAFE.

I have syncer running and initialising its storage with SAFE using the CLI, but there are a couple of problems. These require some enhancements to the SAFE CLI, a bit beyond my Rust skills at the moment. I’ve raised an issue for one (#589) and given a +1 to another (#512), which should enable me to get syncer going so if you have Rust skills feel free to have a go. I am reading up on Rust and if I think I can do this I’ll have a go at one myself.


We have safegit live again. Updating this to use the SAFE CLI (instead of the old SAFE Drive which no longer works) was fairly easy. Most work was in updating the tutorial.

So we can again publish git repositories to SAFE, clone/fork them, make changes and offer pull requests back to the original all using the SAFE CLI and the safegit script. See: