SAFE Network Dev Update - July 19, 2018

Re: website, well done all around. My favorite is the timeline. I like how it provides a history of the safenetwork endeavor. There are many details there that I wasn’t aware of


Looking at timeline - it is very impressive but realistically seems like 2018 will go in PARSEC implementation testing with Alpha 3 and Alpha 4 probably in 2019 and if all goes well beta in late 2019/early 2020 with platform live around 2020. Just my gut feeling. What does everyone think?

Also, when looking at Dfinity which raised VC money, just curious if Maidsafe should go another fund raising - perhaps an ICO round? I mean a lot of promising projects are getting funding in 100’s of millions of dollars. That will give maidsafe enough capital to hire more programmers, speed development, allow more recognition and in turn exponential growth in participation from open source community once the initial blocks are made ready faster. It will all be positive. Am I missing something?


I agree with the timeline to beta. Not sure about whether more programmers is the answer.

I just get the feeling that Maidsafe is one of a handfull of projects purposefully working to and end result. Well done to the dev team wherever you are

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Thanks Maidsafe devs for a nice update.

Wow that’s much to take in to give any useful feedback, love the simplistic design makes it bigger better stronger.


I’m so glad to be a part of this awesome community and I appreciate everyone’s hard work, we’re getting there one step at a time. Keep pounding the rock. I can’t wait to listen to the podcast @fergish this week. Just my 2 cents here on the website, but it looks a little busy to me, a lot of distractions from the text.

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is the milestone 2 implementation and coding ongoing or still in spec phase? i see some work done in github but nothing added in jira

If you are only looking at routing, then yes that is right :+1:

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