SAFE Network Dev Update - July 16, 2020

Hi! Are new vaults able to be started locally like 0.23 did? I made an update:
vault 0.23 → 0.25.1
authd 0.7 → 0.11
safe 0.11 → 0.15

And when trying to run vault with safe_vault -vv --first --root-dir ~/.safe/vault/baby-fleming-vaults/safe-vault-genesis --log-dir ~/.safe/vault/baby-fleming-vaults/safe-vault-genesis I get this:

INFO 2020-10-23T13:08:32.085705718+02:00 [src/bin/] 

Running safe-vault v0.25.1
ERROR 2020-10-23T13:08:45.223986858+02:00 [/usr/local/cargo/git/checkouts/routing-616e72cf40f12bc0/97cc0cd/src/node/] ee9d8e.. Failed to start the first node: Network(NoEndpointEchoServerFound)
ERROR 2020-10-23T13:08:45.224157414+02:00 [src/bin/] Automatic Port forwarding Failed. Check if UPnP is enabled in your router's settings and try again. Note that not all routers are supported in this testnet. Visit for more information.

I’ve dealt with this. The solution is to add --local option. List of options is available with safe_vault --help.