App stores are only for getting the app software, not running the app.
Plenty more options available.
Not everything requires third parties permission.
Big use case for mobile is simple free browsing.
It’s the access to more complex, that will push the limit of what is practical on a mobile… nice to have what is practical though.
Yes, I think it would be useful to allow users to store one or both credentials locally behind their devices fingerprint/faceID/PIN security—depending on their tolerance for risk—if this allows them to use stronger credentials for all devices while giving them a bit less friction for devices where it’s an issue.
Credentials overall is something we will need to address and work on a bit more down the line too (with things like additionals multi-factor, forgotten credential process etc) but not quite justifiable for MVE at the mo.
And we won’t know, if we don’t try.
I think I get what @lukas is saying. Maybe something like “Personal Safe browser” vs. “Public Safe browser”? Or do these even have to be separate applications with separate names?
Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs
One can’t helped but get supercharged knowing that we’re so close to another public testnet and @JimCollinson makes it all the easier to touch and feel.
Keep up the great work super ants
@JimCollinson I am thinking this got lost in your deep discussions on UX/UI etc.
Any thoughts or is this just a stupid idea?
Picking sounds like something chickens do, please no picking. Farming is a good broad name, makes me think of collecting things.
I believe English chickens “peck”, rather than “pick”.
I think we need to appeal as widely as possible. Creating an alt world in which we imagine chewing on straw and plucking at a banjo, is not going to be relatable!
We want people to put resources to the network and they want to earn a reward. Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Whether the reward, is named as coins or tokens or any other word, matters little. The exchange is a simple one; you make a contribution and use that reward as option to upload or do other actions that cost. The value relative to all other is a different matter… is commodity the word for stuff that you might want more of, so that you can make use of its utility?
So, prefer perhaps tokens or coins, to seeds … and earning or rewarded for, to gathering or farming.
Whatever is most simple and same in all areas including UI, the thought must been to not put up barriers… everything and anything that is new and different, will require effort to understand.
Sorry, yeah, swamped a bit, and also didn’t want to hog the thread.
But my initial gut reaction was that Gathering
sounds like the process of collecting things that have already been produced, or earned by you. Just as gathering up apples that have already fallen from the tree, rather than something I will need to exchange some resources for and that might take a little more time.
It’s also a term that already appears in the UIs: a node gathers data
as the first act of farming, before storing and distributing it thereafter, and is rewarded for those services.
I said Gathering Tokens (not picking)
No problems
I wonder there’s a mix here of motive.
So, some will be generous and support the network because they want to… and there’s no name for the return from that in other spheres… it’s not done for the personal reward.
Other will be the for profit motive - and that tempts use of terms related to money.
Farming gathering; picking; or whatever, seem one step away.
There’s an extent too where it doesn’t matter; so, long as it’s simple and consistent.
I think farming and earning are good:
Farming denotes the activity: setting up and providing a system, like preparing and managing fields.
Earning is what results from the activity whether you’re talking about profits, tokens, satisfaction, qdos or whatever.
sn_node → combine harvester
When it comes to chickens @Sascha should always have the last word!
I’m not fond of the term ‘farming’ either, just to put it out there.
Yes, gathering is like a more specific word, mining and farming is more like broad terms.
It is like, gathering Safe Network Tokens when you Farm.
Stop egging him on.
I’m cooped up here with cluck all else to do
Well there is no need to download from app stores. You can always download directly from the Maidsafe Foundation or the SAFE Network directly. Many developers use such a system.