SAFE Network Dev Update - February 20, 2020

Oh, how I long for

safe_vault-0.21.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz and friends

We really are at the tickly bit…

EDIT: Saturday night and @bochaco is still hard at it.
I have become one of those who haunt github looking for tiny hints…
@bochaco has just dropped a nice hint :slight_smile:


Individual working independently towards a common goal. That’s a very “antish” style of programming. Let’s call it… ant style programming!

Keep up the great works, can’t wait to see a Flemming network out in the wild.


Hey @ravinderjangra is this PR to address the media issue on mobile? Should allow seeking through media too, yes? Also curious what the status of streaming is too if possible :grin:


Hey @Nigel, yep you got this right :+1:t2:. This PR is to support the range based requests which can be used for streaming or downloading the files in smaller parts based on network strength and other factors.

I think, this wouldn’t be enough to allow seeking through the media but ATM I am not 100% sure what else we need to make that possible so I’ll try finding and reading some docs/material on how we can implement that.

I didn’t get the last part from your questions so I am assuming you mean the status of implementing the streaming in the browser app? If that’s your question then I’ll say once these two PRs are merged in the SCL and API repo then I’ll start working on the mobile part.


Everything asked has been answered and then some @ravinderjangra :slightly_smiling_face: thanks for the detailed response Rav!


Thank you for the heavy work team MaidSafe! I add the translation into Bulgarian in the first post :dragon: