SAFE Network Dev Update - August 30, 2018

Thanks for the comments, I just wanted to pick up on this specific point for the moment. The maintenance fee isn’t like a tax, and by that I mean we don’t force you to use it and we don’t put you in jail for not paying it. We’re nice that way at MaidSafe :smile:!

Regards your concerns on a centralised authority. While it is in the very early stages we have started working on a governance structure to ensure that MaidSafe do not become a central point of weakness or power on the network, and that the maintenance fee will be shared out across many developers throughout the world. There are many examples past (Bitcoin) and present (EOS) that highlight the importance of getting this right and while it is too early to share any details (as we don’t have any yet) we will publish a proposal as part of a consultation process in due course.