SAFE Network Dev Update - April 2, 2020

error there from
safe auth update

have you done previously
safe auth install


Not through the CLI
But I did do an install through Snapp, I think (It showed something about the Auth, after I installed the Browser through Snapp). Strangely enough when I clicked it, the SAFE CLI Alpha in Snapp was installed.

This is what Snapp showed

The browser does open after it’s installed, but the SAFE CLI Alpha doesn’t.


CLI works
 I couldn’t be so sure of Snapp

The browser and CLI didn’t seem to popup from that but the account creation works quickly enough
 but I would have already had auth installed.


Thanks and keep hacking :smile:

1 Like

Mobile browser works well

  • progress for download of a webpage
  • has obvious version back and forward
  • and safe://eye.eye and safe://bike images work as intended without being fragmented.

 and I have an impression perhaps that the same content is stored and not unnecessarily downloaded (impression not tested but safe://test is immediate for the same image as eye)


The progress looks like it’s moving quick. Well done Maidsafe!

Can anyone translate how far off they believe we are from the vaults from home and the farming items? Or is this just another how long is a piece string question?



string, sorry.

it will be ready when its ready


Jippy I’m finally logged into Snapp (big deal for a clueless consumer :kissing_heart:) Logging in took nanosecondes

Although I got a problem transfering testcoins (don’t help me let me figure it out myself, thnx anyway)

Even if your anti command line it would help you incredibly to get started here with these commands, this is a :gem:

Go Fleming go, go :flamingo:? :crazy_face:


Getting this error when I try to create an account with the SAFE Network app.

internal error in Neon module: Failed to create a SafeKey with test coins: NetDataError(“Failed to allocate test coins: Unexpected: Connection timed out when bootstrapping to the network - CoreError::Unexpected::{"Connection timed out when bootstrapping to the network"}”)

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@19eddyjohn75 glad you got logged in!

Question: Does snapp show CLI is installed for you? (and what distro are you on?)

@intrz can you check you safe -V and ~/.safe/authd/safe-authd -V for the installed versions. These timeouts can happen when something is not on the right version (or be genuine timeouts; that error needs to be clearer :expressionless: )

Also, if they are both the latest version, can you try creating an account via CLI please, and let me know if that works.

Thanks for testing everyone!


Yeah Snapp shows that CLI is installed. Although what’s strange in Snapp you get this message: Safe auth process not installed, install now (see image above) when i click install now CLI shows as installed.

Ubuntu 19.10

Cheers :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks @19eddyjohn75

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I can’t login via the SNApp

but I can log in ok via the CLI

I can launch the browser OK from the SNApp though.


Seems I had to connect through the CLI first. I thought maybe the SAFE Network App would connect by itself.


It should. Definitely seems to be buggy from your reports and @Southside’s experience too.

thanks. will be taking a look at this in the coming days.


Note the order of the inputs, in SNApp first one is password, could that be the issue you are having?


@bochaco - you are a genius!!

I log out from CLI, I restart SNApp , with password first and passphrase second, I run safe auth stutus again and it works as it should. So its a GUI issue rather than a bug, @joshuef, @JimCollinson ?


@intrz - Try @bochaco’s solution, reverse the order of your inputs and see if that works.

1 Like

Fresh install to laptop with no SAFE history Linux Mint 19.3

Initial errors looking for ~/bin !?

I’m not sure where it was intending on this system atm /usr/local/bin /opt are looking like they would need sudo to create some user writable.

$ ./safe-network-app-v0.0.6-alpha.15-linux-x64.AppImage  
(node:10252) DeprecationWarning: file property is deprecated and will be removed in v5.
(node:10252) DeprecationWarning: file property is deprecated and will be removed in v5.
(node:10252) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
(node:10252) [DEP0005] DeprecationWarning: Buffer() is deprecated due to security and usability issues. Please use the Buffer.alloc(), Buffer.allocUnsafe(), or Buffer.from() methods instead.
find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory
18:04:23.928%c â€ș {
  constructor: 'Error',
  status: 1,
  signal: null,
  output: [
    'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n'
  pid: 10297,
  stdout: '',
  stderr: 'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n',
  stack: "Error: Command failed: find /home/davidpbrown/bin -name 'safe-browser-v*alpha*'\n" +
    'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n' +
    '\n' +
    '    at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:634:11)\n' +
    '    at execSync (child_process.js:670:15)\n' +
    '    at Object (electron/js2c/asar.js:696:23)\n' +
    '    at getLocalLinuxAppImageName (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at getApplicationExecutable (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at getInstalledLocation (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at Object.checkAppsForUpdate (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at forEach (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n' +
    '    at setupIPCListeners (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at App.<anonymous> (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at App.emit (events.js:208:15)'
find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory
18:04:25.144%c â€ș {
  constructor: 'Error',
  status: 1,
  signal: null,
  output: [
    'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n'
  pid: 10331,
  stdout: '',
  stderr: 'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n',
  stack: "Error: Command failed: find /home/davidpbrown/bin -name 'safe-browser-v*alpha*'\n" +
    'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n' +
    '\n' +
    '    at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:634:11)\n' +
    '    at execSync (child_process.js:670:15)\n' +
    '    at Object (electron/js2c/asar.js:696:23)\n' +
    '    at getLocalLinuxAppImageName (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at getLocalAppVersion (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at Object.checkAppsForUpdate (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at forEach (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n' +
    '    at setupIPCListeners (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at App.<anonymous> (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at App.emit (events.js:208:15)'
find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory
18:04:25.207%c â€ș {
  constructor: 'Error',
  status: 1,
  signal: null,
  output: [
    'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n'
  pid: 10333,
  stdout: '',
  stderr: 'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n',
  stack: "Error: Command failed: find /home/davidpbrown/bin -name 'safe-cli-v*alpha*'\n" +
    'find: ‘/home/davidpbrown/bin’: No such file or directory\n' +
    '\n' +
    '    at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:634:11)\n' +
    '    at execSync (child_process.js:670:15)\n' +
    '    at Object (electron/js2c/asar.js:696:23)\n' +
    '    at getLocalLinuxAppImageName (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at getLocalAppVersion (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at Object.checkAppsForUpdate (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at forEach (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)\n' +
    '    at setupIPCListeners (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at App.<anonymous> (/tmp/.mount_safe-nX4pjvM/resources/app.asar/app/webpack:/app/\n' +
    '    at App.emit (events.js:208:15)'
(electron) 'setResizable function' is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'resizable property' instead.
(electron) 'setMovable function' is deprecated and will be removed. Please use 'movable property' instead.

most of that above rapid, then a pause before the last two electron lines.

snapp Download progress

So, the [Safe Authenticator process not installed].[Install now] seemed to jump to install the CLI and then notionally thrid step was to install the browser.

The downloading clockwise wrap to the pause button, is a nice idea but it is of a kind that really should be a secondary indicator: the colour is not obvious enough
 espcially if very little progress has been made; the CLI is relatively fast but the browser was slow; perhaps much larger
 if that is the only indicator, user might well miss that it is doing its ting. So, I’d suggest ye olde numeric % that cannot be missed. At least make the colour wrap progressor bright.

snapp [Pin to Menu Bar] should be default off.

As above image shows, the position underlaps on auto hiding tool bar

[Create Account] is hidden to a new user

and they would be the one who needs it.

Snapp [SAFE CLI Alpha].[Open] doesn’t work to open a terminal.

There perhaps are different methods that need testing for desktop environment?
mate-terminal -e command
gnome-terminal -e command
xterm -e command
kconsole -e command
First one works for me because I have Mate not kde or other.

long paws

SAFE Browser does launch, after a long pause (on this 3.5GB older laptop) but too long really for being without an indication in the Snapp that it is trying to open.

Bigger issues with this install

getting stuck now - Snapp Create Account fails and stuck in a loop of trying.
Looking at what is different:

snapp CLI install sees ~/.bashrc is missing its export appended line

export PATH=$PATH:/home/davidpbrown/.safe/safe-cli
or similar.

So, associated problems as:
Snapp suggests CLI “Installed” but error on
$ safe --help
does work for new terminals, if the export line has been added.

?CLI install manually is to ~/.safe/cli and different from snapp.

Looking now I see that on my other SAFE environment I have oddly both ~/.safe/cli and ~/.safe/safe-cli whereas the new attempt from snapp only, has ~/.safe/safe-cli

Browser connected?

SAFE Browser doesn’t have an indicator that it is connected
 is that deliberate or missing?.. without feedback to the terminal, it’s not obvious what is misfiring.

authd is not installed at ~/.safe/

Despite installing initially, authd is not obvious as .safe/authd/safe-authd
so, “No such file or directory” errors follow from the likes of safe auth start

So, stuck now for at least not having auth installed
 and whatever else is required for Browser to make connection.

Now to tidy up!

this has created an unwanted at ~/bin for the browser only it seems
surely that should be at ~/.safe/

Hope that helps


Have you installed authd with safe auth install after you installed CLI?