SAFE Controls, Objectives, and Constraints - Brainstorm

Based on @mav

I would add hard top for auction system to not allow farm more SafeCoins than is maximum supply.
At 85% SafeCoins left there would be max 1:8,5 ratio for PUT:GET
At 10% SafeCoins left, there would be max 1:1 ratio for PUT:GET
At 1% SafeCoins left. there would be max 1:0,1 ratio for PUT:GET

Reward = (Summary of PUT in last 24h x StoreCost) / (Summary of GET in last 24h) x (ratio)

This means that with ratio 1 is total SafeCoin paid for all PUT in last 24h (or any other set time period) about same as total Reward paid to all farmers.

In an auction people could choose smaller ratio based on there votes.

In this system not many GETs means bigger average reward per each GET. This could lead to not motivate people to overflow network to farm more coins.
Low demand to pay for PUT or low StoreCost means overall low reward per GET.
Farmers would like to set StoreCost to allow as much PUT possible at highest StoreCost the market will accept.

Formula for hard top ratio is:
(Farmed coins left in %) / 10
can be changed to (Farmed coins left in %)^n / 10
with n=2 or 3…

I would like to see to not have too big range to set ratio to make UI simple.
The similar system can be used to set range for StoreCost. Than user would set StoreCost and Reward ratio.

EDIT: After testing that only less coins can be farmed with ratio bellow 1, than the hard limit to ratio 1 can be moved to 99% of all farmed SafeCoin. New ratio formula would be (Farmed coins left in %).

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