Safe-CMS - Censorship is a thing of the past

Perhaps some web development firm saw the great work they did for SafeCMS and made them a job offer for major $$$ to work on something else for a little while at 100+hrs/week on location… or maybe Shane eloped and is on honeymoon in the Bahamas. Or maybe it’s just spring break/vacation. :wink:

I think it’s safe to assume that, wherever they are, there is no wifi. Shane and Andy spoiled us with all the real-time day to day communications. If only they had been less professional… then no one would have noticed the absence. :sweat_smile:


But interesting thing that @Shane was online near time ago and he didn’t comment anything…

SAFEcms is ground breaking. It’s got first mover advantage and has the potential to be the content management system for the new internet.

I would not be surprised if a large CMS organisation or company have noticed the opertunity on the new internet and have made them an attractive offer with a non disclosure agreement.

The man was such a professional and now I’m really disappointed. I also have a little theory regarding what may be going on. But making a promise and then disappearing without a word is just plain rude. Even if your mother died. Even if @Shane is dead or in a coma @AndyAlban could have scribbled down something like “Change of plans. Sorry.” That would have been enough for me.


Your saying pretty much what most have been thinking. None of it makes any sense.

Not so much Andy Alban doing the David Copperfield, but more Shane being seen every few days or so on the forum but not commenting/posting anywhere (or even liking the better written posts like he always did)…

Guess there’s little to no benefit suggesting anything though, I’m kinda hoping it’s just as Zoki or Sascha says as there aren’t really too many other explanations.

Just a little sad for Maidsafe actually, CMS was/is potentially a shining light for other developers hiding in the shadows.

Weren’t they slated to attend the Dev Con?


I believe so and perhaps they wanted to put their noses to the grindstone to have something great to showcase there (Safe search comes to mind). It will be live-streamed, it will get a lot of coverage, there will be a lot of people in attendance, and what better way to make a splash? Not to mention they probably have to work double duty in there regular jobs to prep to be gone for that kind of trip! The stuff they are doing here was in their spare time. I’m still hopefully ambitious for them. They’ve open sourced SAFE-CMS and honestly don’t owe us anything. Not to say that the potential of them moving on or not explaining things isn’t a personal let down but hey, they really delivered in short order and I think they may just surprise us all again. Let’s not get too fudy just yet.


I am more concerned for them than their project. I hope all is well and having done contracting work myself in the past I know there can be times I just have to work 18/7 and not enjoy personal projects.

Still just a post to say they are good would be nice but certainly not necessary


Hehe. Here comes the thing though. The moment any of them says “we’re alive and well”, the rest of us goes “Oh, what a relief! NOW about that release… Which Tuesday is it?”


Let’s just call it the Bermuda Triangle and move on :smile:


If I remember correctly, I think they were going to go to devcon. Maybe those are the spots that opened up. If they don’t have some secret plan to pop up there with a surprise reveal, and no show…then I’m definitely on the Bermuda Triangle bandwagon.

Yeah, they said they planned to show up. Pulling a Houdini might as well be a part of building up tension only to take everyone by storm face to face. Sounds pretty likely after all.

Great idea, all these new applications is inspiring to see.

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That looks like and awesome project!! Hope to see it live soon :wink:


Not a coder, but a journalist who’d be interested in helping out in some way. Let me know if I can help move this project forward.


This project already dead

I certainly hope everything is ok with by Shane and Andy. They don’t owe anyone in the forum an explanation and probably have their own personal and very good reasons for their radio silence.

From purely a SAFE network, it is concerning how much hope is being placed on these two developers who only have been working in earnest for the last several months. If there were enough developers building applications for the network this would have gone unnoticed quite frankly.


Since it’s an open source project it can never be dead - it might be sleeping now - but can be woken up anytime again by Shane or anybody else who wants to continue where it is right now =)


It is concerning that they are unable to complete or release what was a functioning product. I don’t know why anyone would put all this effort in, even give interviews about it, then just vanish.

It is very strange. So much so that it feels like they have been silenced/gagged in some way. I know that sounds a bit conspiratorial, but for both of them to cease all contact is unusual in this day and age. Everyone is connected almost all the time. I hope they are both ok.

On the bright side, the repo is still like and it is open source. It would be trivial for someone to fork it and take ownership of it. Repo is here: GitHub - badcodeltd/safecms: A powerful content management system built on top of the SAFE Network


Andy jumped back online a couple of weeks ago around the same time we were discussing them after he’d had a 6 week hiatus, did not post, comment or like as with Shane’s previous account behaviour. A NDA probably wouldn’t have reflected said behaviour.

As mentioned though they’ve done a fair bit of heavy lifting for someone else so probably a good time to say thanks for the great work fellas and hopefully see you online sometime :wave:


Sounds feasible. I’ve forked the repo against my own account, just in case anything goes missing.

Although I am more of a Java dev atm, maybe I will have a play with this when I have some down time between contracts. It would be good to get some Node.js experience anyway, I suppose! Ha! :slight_smile: