SAFE Beaker Browser Updates (0.4.0)

They’re saved to an APP folder. So not (as I understand it) accessible outwith of the app that saved the data.

Currently there’s not the option. But certainly it could exist. I don’t see any reason not to offer this ability.

Just made this:

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Launcher is active in Window 7 SP1

Initiate Beaker 0.4.2 >Auth 1
Close Beaker
Open Beaker 0.4.2 >Auth 2
Close Beaker
Open Beaker 0.4.2 >Auth 3

3 Auths are loaded in Launcher

What I’m expressing here, is as a new user to SAFE…I want to go to a clearnet site and download 1 installer that opens a browser with a welcome page that can guide me through a SAFE experience. If I choose to experience something that requires an account then that experience should be a walk through, not a starship enterprise launcher box.

I just think that a ‘launcher’ is a barrier to entry…maybe thats changed with the new scheme, not sure.

File >Toggle Safe Browsing

So I click this dialogue repeatedly, how do I know what network I’m on?

I have no idea what the rocket adjacent the address bar does.

I’d like to see the Safenetwork logo used (different colours with mouseover status) to indicate a toggle state. The focus should be on SAFE, not launcher rockets.

The brief:

As a part of the Community Engagement Program, we are looking forward to receiving proposals to build a browser for the SAFE Network.

The high-level requirement is relatively simple, the browser should be able to render standard web content and also enable web applications to invoke the APIs exposed by the Launcher. A mechanism to provide SAFE-only URLs as well as html…etc… is expected, whether this is default SAFE or via a “switch”. In SAFE mode we would imagine that “clearnet” requests would be blocked.

You met the design brief…congratulations and thanks for your hard work :slight_smile:

This tab re-loading behaviour has highlighted a possible flaw in toggle thinking…I think the toggle is inviting dissonance for your regular WWW surfer. There’s a saying in web design ‘Don’t make me think’ and this toggle bothers my brain big time.

If there was a stretch goal and you were tasked with a SAFE only design, would it be a major re-write?

I’d like to see Maidsafe offer 2 versions of Beaker.

I’m thinking a SAFE only version should be the default download, it does what it says on the tin…a SAFE experience and nothing more.

An option would be this current one with the switch for the more adventurous type, that wants to do the toggle straddle.

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@joshuef what’s the current recommended version?

OP mentions 0.4.0 and v0.4.1-4 but I see we’re up to v0.4.3.0 on github beaker releases.

EDIT: Love having my fave keyboard shortcuts back - thank you - any chance of adding: Ctrl-F4 (close tab)? :grin:

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You might want to change that to the SAFE Drive so that users can more easily access their data. I regularly make backups of my bookmarks and WOULD make backups of my setings if I could.

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Thanks for the info re:authernticator. I’ll be checking this bug out :thumbsup:

Also the toggle malarky. Fair points there :thumbsup:


Always the last stable. So 0.4.2 at this point. Anything X.Y.Z-A is a prerelease so for testing only.

And yup. Ctrl-F4 I can do! :smiley:

@Blindsite2k :thumbsup:


Good to know, maybe the Devs can view it from a newbies perspective and see the merit in a SAFE only Beaker.



If I could 10000x this request for pure safe browser I would.

There will be a new assault on neutrality as the accidental one has declared that neutrality is just the fairness doctrine.

We need a real net replacement as there will now be severe push to preserve and enhance the money filter by converting the net into modal ad driven sponsor centric prime time one way top down TV. Might as well replace cell phones with loud speakers and a bunch of zero rate enclosure artificial scarcity rubbish.

Authentication rolled into Beaker is great for usability, but need clear choices

SafeBeaker *Have a look around (the default)
SafeBeaker + Authentication Plugin *take the next step it’s a virus,malware,ddos,snooper free experience
SafeBeaker + Clearnet *I want browsing flexibility with zero? risk of data leakage
SafeBeaker + Authentication Plugin + Clearnet *please attack my browser, we have bounties for that


SAFE Browser / safe-js question for anyone who knows:

does safe-js really cover pretty much every API command released by MaidSafe so far?

I thought it only did the basic things like files / folders but now I’m seeing it handles the LOW_LEVEL_API stuff too like structured data etc?

is that right?

Hey, yeh @Krishna_Kumar and @frabrunelle have PRd all the new APIs as they were released.

They don’t have tests though and I’m not sure of their state vs the network as it stands just now. Writing up tests for this is on my list post browser. (Most likely post xmas as it goes just now).

You can see all implemented APIs here: safe-js/src at master · joshuef/safe-js · GitHub


Not possible with Javascript. Javascript will always leak information. It’s the fault of the developer, and the JS design. When a scripting language is run on top of the machine code, it can lead to undesired results. Such as null pointer. Just point to null state, and run infinity. The system will crash. It can crash the PC as well. It’s not the problem with javascript abstraction but the flow of the design, and flaws. Javascript on top of rust is more sane, but it still has it’s flaws.

This is why I don’t like the direction we’re heading with safenet choice on launcher/browser. It gives people more reasons to use broken designs over new elegant designs. Just like how people rather choose doze over linux.

But luckily enough, somebody made a prototype of metal + servo + vulkan example on the browser.

The web assembly is almost here. This will grant us much more powerful tools that can run naively. This means complete re-write up on node.js for rust ecosystem. And the UI design.

Personalification UI design is more powerful than using server side UI, or scripting UI written in structured data. It’s waste of memory, and resources. Why not run it native?

I thought it already has low level api? Either way, without it, you can’t open/create files and folders.

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Great thanks very much for your answer!

My safe-js dev was asking if those other API commands are documented for / in safe-js?
Or are the only docs for all that (structured data etc) available only in the MaidSafe docs?

Wanted to know if there were any streamlined docs for safe-js yet thx!

(if not then that’s something I’ll work on / make, like my safe-js learning website)

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Brilliant. Yeh any PRs for code and docs will be very welcome :thumbsup:


Looks like he’s built "Webmantle - Modern 3D API for the web’ and provides ‘Demo JS code’

He’s worked at Mozilla for 3 months and seems focussed on graphics …your saying the work he’s done for this Webmantle project, will up the game for a SAFE Browser?


The focus should be to make an effective toggle to disable clearnet instead of maintaining a separate version that cannot be toggled. Can you see how the first empowers people while the second forces them to fit a certain opinion?

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I asked the developer:

If there was a stretch goal and you were tasked with a SAFE only design, would it be a major re-write?

The answer was:


Most people have their browser of choice for clearnet and have a system in place with plugins, synchronization, authentication etc…

My choice will be to have Chrome and Native Safe Browser running side by side…two separate networks.

If Beaker Safe_Only version is not available at launch, yes I will be forced to wait it out for something else.


Ah, I didn’t see that JS code. Good eye. From what I read, it is calling the servo JS engine to render the triangle even though the triangle is written in rust.

you’re* saying the work he’s done for this Webmantle project, will up the game for a SAFE Browser?

No. I’m not saying that. I’m just stating the fact that the direction we’re heading will be much more elegant, meaning that everything will be written on bare metals (system programming such as rust). The culprit about JS is that you need to compile it on top of the C compiler, then if you want put gimp over the web, then you need to compile it again. Then put on JS and compile it again. Gimp is written in C, so it doesn’t make any sense! That’s three compiles. Leading to less performance, and less desirability results.

Web assembly fixes this problem. Gimp + web assembly. You can access gimp over the web without the need to use JS. Wasm bypasses the multiple compiler issues, thus better performance.

But for now… Safe Beaker is the best option on the table.


It’s coming along nicely :slight_smile:


A proposal.

Add no script block, and set it as default. This would enchant security. It would force users to add whitelist, accepted / trusted websites.

This will also get users to use web of trust ecosystem.