[RFC] Labelled Data, Indexing and Token Authorisation

From latest weekly update:

This is a bad example because the network doesn’t manage time. But is this doable at the application level?

An application could complete the chain of system caveats controlled by the network by its own caveats. There could be conventions that applications can follow to manage these supplementary caveats like timeout restrictions, or better a client API that helps managing them.

But these restrictions could be bypassed by forking the application and removing the corresponding controls, or in the case of a timeout, simply by changing the system time of the PC running the application.

So, I would say there is no interest in managing application caveats client side, unless I am missing the big picture, like time managed by the network. A hint for this is:

But I don’t see how we can rely on a timestamp that isn’t a network consensual time.