Questions about Update and segmentation of the network

Maybe, but if MaidSafe has the initial power to update the network then they could potentially be applied quickly leaving little to no time for audit.

How will this happen? Most users won’t scrutinize code or refer to information outlets prior to updates. The bulk of the network will consist of relatively careless folk who just want things to work. Their majority hold of the network is a security risk in this regard. Leaving those who don’t choose to upgrade with little cover and poor group security.

Quite honestly, I believe untainted upgrades to be the biggest hurdle for an autonomous and decentralized network like SAFE. I’ve perused this forum looking into a few discussions about future network maintenance and have seen nothing that suggests a flawless uncorruptible mechanism. A thread should be opened for this purpose. First here then distilled and advanced in the dev forum. This is very important IMO. Sooner than later.