[Poll]: full OMNI to ERC20 swap

Yes intros have been made. Now the meetings, decisions, agreements and any legals etc. are now with me and the team. It will be a lot of work (always is), lot of meetings, cost money distract from launch and that’s the price I hear most folk say now is worth paying.

So we are paying that price and launch will be a bit slower, but it’s all a balance. A bunch of work for intros and setting up docs etc. as well as paying for some legals has been done by the community so far (also directly by individuals).

The bulk of the work will fall on the MaidSafe team now though and this is the world of crypto these days. A legal entity needs to exist to do deals in the decentralised world :upside_down_face: We all know why this is, here comes the fine print :wink: and much more. As Sinatra says, that’s life :wink:

I don’t see any way forward but relent a bit and defocus launch from 100% to something less. If I could control physics I would, but … at least I can drink much more coffee

I hope I don’t sound ungrateful and certainly @Sotros25 @anon61899651 @piluso to name a few have done a huge amount of legwork at their own cost here, and much more. However, the actual amount of work and responsibility left is, well … not insignificant.