No blockchain, Is Safecoin gonna be anonymous?

But there is no such thing as a ‘coinbase’ in SafeCoin, that concept is unique in blockchain based technology.
Coinbase is the first input and the first transaction when a block is freshly mined. But SafeCoins are BLOCKCHAIN-LESS. Your question is not applicable.

The point is, because the SafeNetwork is a completely different concept you must forget everything you know about cryptocurrencies to fully grasp what is going on here.
It is like attempting to understand a non-carbon based alien lifeform, you can’t ask questions based on our current understanding of organic chemistry.

Firstly you should understand what the SafeNetwork is,
you should read about how the network works in general:

Then these discussions expand on certain functionalities such as coin recycling, which is a completely foreign concept in blockchain based cryptocurrencies.
Read this: