September 17, 2015, 3:06pm
to be honest i don’t really understand the intention of your question - yes you could write different login-schemes mapping to very complex key+password+pin’s even without users recognizing.
No Data leaves your device unencrypted anyway - so this is something optional (and yes i’m very sure those login schemes will appear / will be used)
there are many ideas floating about making login more secure/easier:
SAFE USB Token Login (SUTL)
SUTL is a SAFE application that uses a USB flash drive to log in to the SAFE Network without a keyboard.
01: Download SUTL from the SAFE Network.
02: Run SUTL (For the super paranoid only run SUTL on an off-line computer)
03: User prompted to insert a USB flash drive
04: User prompted to input desired log in credentials
05: USB flash drive formated and encrypted with users PIN
06: Generate public and private key pair with users login cre…
I mentioned this on another thread - but it is probably worthy of it’s own discussion.
Could we build a SAFE account just to guard our credentials for our real SAFE account?
So - I log into SAFE with username password, PIN, and that could bring up an app that has a visual quiz that is keylogger resistant… Select on the 3 pictures that you uploaded out of the 20 displayed for example. Passing the quiz would log you into your real SAFE account. The first one is just an account to hold your a…
Only just learned about this - looks an ideal complement to MaidSafe.
See: GRC's | SQRL Secure Quick Reliable Login
Uses QR codes to avoid the need to share secret info for login, so while similar to MaidSafe, could maybe protect against keyloggers and screen capture at login.
I just found the clef app and I think it is awesome. I always have my phone and with this I would never have to type a password after setup, no keylogging. I originally started this post as a meta to see if we could get it added, but realized it could soon be replaced with a SAFE login. But now I’m wondering, could something like this be implemented to actually login to SAFE?
There is a cost per month for clef, so scratch having it on here. Not really worth it.
EDIT: I stand corrected. They ha…