Don’t let your emotions get in the way of your investment then. You are slowing down the devs with, I need solid updates, when they are in the middle of something trying to give something to update about. If they stop to tell you about what they don’t quite have done yet what good does that do you really?
Believe me @dirvine the VAST majority of the members of this forum believe you are the most honest professional we know. There is no other company or team in the world that is more open and honest on how it reports its progress. There is no other team writing open software that is really truly open and can be built upon by anyone with the necessary skill set. This process will take the time it will take. One cannot change the 18 month gestation period for an elephant and make it 9 months just because one wants the period to be the same as it is for humans. Doing this right is way more important than meeting some kind of arbitrary timeline. Hold the course. No one will care how long it took once the SAFE network is fully operational, only that the benefits far outweighed the time it took.
This is my first post but I have been following this project for some time. I regard this project as a Startup (why else would you be able to invest in a game/world changing project at a 25 million dollar market cap) that is inventing something on the technological edge with tremendous implications. No startup is easy let alone one with this much weight. As such the company and especially the CEO will go through wild swings. Just search for the psychological ups and downs of startups. I believe David was extremely excited and wanted to share this when posting about the “MVP” a couple of weeks ago. (it wouldn’t be prudent to post when he’s down in the dumps) and showed his hand a little early. Ross reeled this back in but they now know the gasoline this can be for investors and traders.
It’s just my thought but going forward I think that they will keep it more contained and then drop it on the world. This will not help the current price but shorters beware. haha.
Within their team, they know what they have and it’s current state. And they must be excited. Good luck.
I absolutely agree.
The part that gets me is the expectations management. On the April 12th update, you could feel David’s excitement, he even noted that before the next update the vaults (the final piece of the puzzle) might be ready.
Then the next update comes and it seems like a failed product launch. Not because they didn’t launch the product, but because expectations have died.
And in it’s place we have another Alpha, which is great, but from a consumer perspective, so what. Imagine Apple promised the original iPad would ship in September, but it took until July of the following year. People cancel orders, stop caring, hype dies, etc…
I expected MaidSafe the company to better control this, so that they could profit the most from the slow hype and release of the MVP.
And now it seems like MaidSafe is in the worst possible position it could be in (if only for BTC’s upcoming upswing).
Maybe a bit of a ramble, but my frustration is not necessarily directed AT the devs or MaidSafe, it’s FOR them.
Maybe I’m just sour today. Either way I never mean to cause a fuss around here. Sorry for my negativity.
Thats not the problem here IMO. You are doing a great job of clarifying exactly where you are. The issue is the inaccurate forecasting which leads to expectations. Most people here get that this is a moving target. So why even attempt telling people where the target will be tomorrow? Its become quite apparent and proven extremely negative on all fronts that wishful thinking is not working here. Keep up the great work David and team. No slapping zone here.
Just want to remind everyone that no promises were made and that feelings come and go.
Thanks for sharing your feelings @dirvine. Now get back to work!. Even though supporters like me and @Powersign may get anxious, frustrated and constructively critical at times we are all very excited and support you 100%. All your true supporters are cheering you on and will wait for you a long as you need.
Replies like this are the reason I am not losing a wink of sleep over this project.
What other company on the planet can you have this much unfiltered access to the status and workings of the day to day??..its amazing, and can be frustrating, but I’d much rather have this than the typical platitudes and spin.
A day to day or weekly status is bound to have goals (both achievable and optimistic) and sharing that with us I feel does more good than bad.
One possible solution I can think of is standardizing the weekly update to be more in line with a checklist type format similar to the roadmap that lists out a simple status and completion level of each objective in clear terms, but I am afraid there would still be people asking for other updates or more specifics.
The project is currently in constant flux and I think would be similar to trying to change the oil in a car while its driving down the road…an amazing task that they are somehow pulling off…who really cares if it takes a mile or two longer than hoped!
I think the maidsafe team trying to build all in one solution , I’m afraid “Perfect is the enemy of good” … when I first heard
about the project I thought it was about sharing your hard drive and decentralizing bit bucket or dropbox , and earn some bitcoin along the way doing so. but , now I see the platform have some high high vision and road-map trying to bring solutions to DAO and change “The decentralized internet” … well maybe this is too much to thrive to .
cry me a river, pal…
Joined 2 hours ago.
Okay, troll account. You didn’t lose money if you didn’t cash out. Your choice, your investment. It wasn’t people who enforced you to invest. That was your choice.
Stop spreading lies, and fud.
My bet is that he bought on margin. It’s a sure path to pain.
A thought for those with growing doubts; usually a snake oil salesman can never show you proof-of-progress. So if you’re worried about vaporware, just look at where we were, and look at where we are. No nothing for years, to downloadables-that work really well btw-, to near-vaults release. Stay the course and remember the goal is a long term one. Even if you have to sell to maintain your position long-term…
That makes perfect sense actually. Would explain his behavior / comments.
Super short term coin flipper. NOT investor. There will be those, and we’ll have to deal with their shouts along the way.
The price has gone down? I think I’ll buy some more…
@Powersign please avoid using the forum as a kleenex; being adult means keeping your bad days to yourself.
The core devs are astonishingly communicative. Let them do their job.
Please do not hold the MaidSafe team responsible for your trading decisions and -results. Nobody here advised you into any direction.
The Safe Network has always been a long term project, and I mean really long term like 10 years now. If you had done some due diligence in crypto and specifically this project, you should know it’s the Wild West in general where you should never put more money in than you are willing to loose.
Again, please allow the team to do their work without you harassing them with issues that you should discuss with your financial advisor.
I get your frustration, honestly. Bad trade, things didn’t go like we’d hoped. So now what? Abandon the project? Can’t do it, right? The only real takeaway I can see from this discussions is the need for greater discretion/accuracy in timing with the expectations the devs have, because things can and do change quickly without our suspicion of the possibility. But I think that message has already been thoroughly pushed at this point.
There are moments I wished @Seneca 's Project Decorum was implemented on this forum. This is definitely one of them. I would have used downvotes or even Clikes to get rid of this spam.
It’s so untrue.
Actually, none of us investors got false hope; we’ve been around for years and understand how this type of thing goes.
You traders, on the other hand… That’s a different story
Amen to that. Couldn’t agree more. I’m in since crowdsale, bought more MaidSafeCoins after that, even in the 24000-25000 satoshis range recently. Always knew this is a long term project that one should be willing to wait for patiently. An occasional dip here and there in the MaidSafeCoin price: I’m not bothered for a split second.
I’ve said enough, this topic is heavily derailing. Sorry mods. Just cannot stand short term traders using this platform to cry like babies.