MaidSafe Dev Update - October 26, 2017

And you only realise the current state of the project now? Give me a break…


No, actually 3 months is 3 months in every field and everywhere :smiley: . Unless you are under immense gravitational pull then your 3 months will be very like my 3 months, at least on this planet near sea level. So assuming we are on the same planet at roughly the same height then … you must get the point by now :wink:

If you are unsure of where the network is you can run one yourself or use the alpha / testnets, they do exist and are very real.

When the network is fully launched you will notice :wink: Keep your chin up, you see so much further that way :smiley:


Hey Dave.

As I said in my first post. I have watched all your videos, how vaults work, I even bought a box of disks to do farming (I like things like this, uh, I retired on bitcoin), and I waited
bought maidsafecoin, waited. I downloaded the webserver and made a little website on your testnet - I stored files there and shut down my computer. I was able to enter my user /pass and get them from a different computer. Awesome

Next week it’s all gone.

When do we get the version that allows us to KEEP our files on the net ( already does that but he is going to jail in a country he has never set foot in)
When do we get the Farming capability?
When will it all work? So that we can shut down the bastards who give us pennies on the dollar for our content selling their ads?
When is the dream coming true? Another 3 years? 5 years?

Just curious. Because to replace the internet, it will take time to be adopted and break the threshold where the backbone is/ is not needed.

the three month thing means “tech moves fast” - if you take too long, someone else will solve the problem and it’s being solved sector by sector. Maidsafe would be a better way but it would have to BE a reality in order for it to BE a better way. You should have worked hard and got it out there before there were 30 new competing coins out there per day with new great ideas. Will anyone be able to find time to find out what Maidsafe is? I can’t read about 30 new ICO’s per day. I know about maidsafe, but no longer care.

Again. When?

Oh, and as much as I like writing and not being paid for it (not). I may put all this out there on steemit where I have been making more than 2400 dollars per month posting and voting on top of the initial boost I got when I had my initial $20k investment (500k steem bought at .039usd) rise to usd to 2.50 usd.

I am listening to the Keiser update (with 78 views) from Aug 27th to see what you guys have done

I felt really sad when you wrote this. I am just an invisible voice on a forum and am a nobody but have worked as a software engineer for a while now. I would wager very short odds that you don’t have the faintest idea what ‘working hard’ in this particular environment means. If you did you wouldn’t take back handed swipes like this. It’s okay to be frustrated but not disrespectful.


I think its time to let go seeing as “you no longer care”

The dev team is building the SAFE network even if other similar (in some way) projects are also building theirs. The project was never about doing something to raise the value of some crypto coin. It was a project conceived prior to the crypto market and not born out of a desire to make a project to have a new crypto coin.

Anyhow do not let your posts turn into a general trading style set of posts or posts that are attacking the developers.


While making my lunch I was musing on the situations with various systems being developed in this arena.

I am reminded on the topic on autonomous vehicles and some parallels with the networking/storage industry.

We had cars invented and produced, just like we have networking & storage

Science fiction has always seen autonomous vehicles in one form or another. For instance the film “forbidden planet” with Leslie Neilson. The robot “Robbie” drove the vehicle. So like today we have SAFE which is the autonomous network/storage system.

Now on the way towards the goals of autonomy both have various products. The car has been through electric to petrol back to electric and ever improving models and today some have forms of autonomy (parking & breaking assist, highway auto drive). Networking/storage also have many projects that implement some parts of autonomy eg internet, servers running for long times, to modern crypto storage projects.

None of the products or projects reduce the goal of autonomy but rather wet the appetite of that goal. And autonomy is never fast to be produced since there is so many factors to be solved and the previous products/projects are in fact needed to pave the way to autonomy. For cars its taken more than a century and for networking/storage its taken something like 45 years from the first real (test) network. Remember the movie “Colossus: The Forbin Project” from 1970 where the computer becomes autonomous. The journey is long and has many hurdles to jump. SAFE is the final stage to the first autonomous network and unlike “Colossus” it will not control the world.


Hey Spongebob, are you ready for a good short squeeze?? Sleep tight, good night :wink:




I am a software engineer - quit around the time of windows xp, then continued on Linux. Retired when I made it big mining bitcoins. I made more than 60 applications start to finish. By myself.

Unfortunately that makes me even more sad :disappointed:

But hey it’s a free world and it’s certainly not a Morton measuring contest :straight_ruler:

Still waiting for that PM for your MAID :+1:

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Okaaay? I guess?

You know I am not a sponge right? I use this and 30 other ID’s just to make it harder for anyone to connect me to this or that.
If someone could get 4 encrypted chunks of my private info onto 4 farmer drives and insure there were back ups made and I could open my data (UN SPIED ON) by everyone and their cousin, then I would not need to have a cartoon ID.

I think the issue is how you are attempting to rattle the cage.

The Boss is pretty engaging normally. If you aren’t getting the responses you seek maybe try a different approach/tact?

That’s all I can really think of for now tbh :slight_smile:

Yes this is the issue.

For someone who no longer cares, Bob you are doing a lot of posting.

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So you are a techo right. If it took over 25 years to arrive at the world wide web, how long should it take to create Internet V2, with autonomy, safety and decentralisation not using blockchain? Can you whip one up for me please?


I’m sure by now this is not the first or last person to be critical of Maidsafe’s delivery and I would hope David and the more senior members of the team are hardened to it, and able to focus on the piece of road immediately ahead.

As with most forums, I suspect it’s the tone, more than the content, that irks people. Yes Maidsafe has been at it for years. Yes they will deliver one day, we just don’t know when. Yes it is something no one else is doing although others could be considered to be doing something similar if you don’t look closely. And yes, there is rarely a need to be an


Hmmm. 25 years ago we had AOL venturing out to netscape, we had the internet 5 years later. Then came the spy tools, now it has come and gone.

If I were to whip one up for you, (or if you and your millions of donations did). If we had it now. If we let it loose and allowed people to farm. It would still take more than 10 years for people to realize THE NEED for such an internet. I use and can send encrypted emails between other users, I have hushmail and can send encrypted emails between me and other users, I have protonmail - same. But the world is not converting to those systems because the data center is only being used to convict and jail people that the government doesn’t like right now.

Kim Dotcom
Charlie Shrem
The kid (two life sentences) for creating silk road.

We needed this when the Snowden papers were released and now Vault 7

If you are not done with it yet, it hardly makes sense to even try. The windows are all broken and the house is already full of mosquitoes.

The systems you describe still leak metadata. State actors may not know what you said, but they know when and to whom you said it, which is often all they need to act. But you’re right that people seem apathetic to internet privacy when it comes to email or social media. Basic secure communication that doesn’t even leak metadata about the conversation is exciting to many, but not to the general public.

But I am confident that killer apps will be written that would have been impossible without SAFE Network, and they will be what people will flock to. The users will come for the app, not the network that made it possible. A replacement for Bittorrent file-sharing will be a big one, since it leaks IP addresses, allowing people to be tracked and harassed. Unhackable password managers and bitcoin wallets will bring in more users. Marketplaces such as OpenBazaar, but again, with no metadata leakage, will be popular. Wikileaks type of whistleblower sites that can never be taken down by state actors will rise up, and users will be able to safely access them without getting on a government list since not only is the site private, but so are the identities of all who access it… Internet of Things devices will be able to store and exchange data among themselves across NATs, without relying on a central server. A Youtube type of app will be written, where nobody can remove the videos and they are available forever. (Youtube recently gave Cody’sLab channel (with 1.2M subscribers) 2 strikes, (one more and channel is banned), because he did a video about how microwave radiation wavelength is such that it can’t heat small things and had put some fruit flies in a microwave and showed they were not harmed.)

But the killer app that causes the most excitement will probably be none of these things, but something I haven’t thought of. This will be the internet that we all thought we were getting in the 1990’s. A network impervious to the wishes and whims of the powerful. The apps written for such a network will be exciting. They are what will bring the apathetic people who don’t care to keep their emails private. They will come for specific apps that can only be made on the SAFE Network.


I think you can keep presenting logical arguments to posters like this and in many ways it’s great trying to prompt a degree of introspection on both ends. But there probably needs to be a recognition of when to pull up stumps.

A casual observation of human nature kinda shows those who always need to be right tend to have fragile and one sided egos.

When they feel as if their way of thinking or interpreting the world around them has been threatened, they want to make themselves look bigger or smarter, so they like to blame others and be critical. It’s a coping mechanism to deal with the insecurities we all have at times.

It is what it is :+1:

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I don’t think it will take anywhere near 10 years or even half that time, with the t
right marketing. Notice how long it takes to fill ICO’s these days. Take Electroneum for instance. Farming on mobile phones and thousands jump in