MaidSafe Dev Update - October 19, 2017

Yes, but the care needed here cannot be underestimated. Personally I am not all that keen on using other browsers and eventually would like a completely separate SAFE only browser. I am more interested in apps actually and seeing how these develop into new “systems” like IOT, AI, communications etc.

Browser is great and a great entry point, but it needs to be bulletproof in terms of usability, even if that means an almost isolationist approach.

This is personal though, the front end team are looking at everything here, so interesting to see what they come up with. They are a very capable team, so I expect many experiments, but great API’s and tools from there.


This is a concern for us also.:+1:

Brave for example only enables plugins at build time, so we have control over what is added in a release (should we choose to go that way). There are ways for chrome extensions to disable other extensions, which is another option.

Whatever direction we end up going, we don’t want to reduce the security of a Safe browser. But there are potential options to keeping that security with a more complete/rounded browsing experience.

Another reason we’ve been looking at Brave which is a privacy centric browser that tries to negate such things.


No binary release yet, still waiting to be merged, but you can build from here if you’d like to test: feat/handles: MAID-2390 Free app handles by joshuef · Pull Request #209 · maidsafe/sn_browser · GitHub



To clarify here, we’re looking to see if we can put out a release of a browser. Working via plugin means less touching core code so it would be easier to update the core browser without merge conflicts etc.

If we cannot utilise a more complete browser in a manner at least as secure as now, then we won’t be :+1:


I’ve been testing Brave for a couple of months and even though they are doing their “best effort” to offer fingerprint protection, it’s measures of blocking them are ironically uniquely identifying Brave users.

Also, isn’t there a conflict of interests? Brave is an integral part of BAT (Basic Attention Token) which ICOed raising 36 million dollars in 30 seconds in June.

Their revenue model is based on targeted advertising, even though they want to make it anonymized.


I think those are good points but can’t those freatures (if you can call them that) be stripped out?

That would depend on their licensing…

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Any progress on Data Chains?
Most of us expected implementation by the end of the year, an old poll seems to indicate. I guess that’s highly unlikely now.

Jumping into thread, so might be misreading but…

I’m not sure providing for one style of use, will be ideal in the longer term and perhaps need to avoid locking in Browser only use too strongly… or apps designed for SAFE.

While there needs to be a good solid SAFE only option, I wonder users might want to use SAFE in ways that do not care for privacy; security; or freedom!.. but simply and only because its functional and useful. Excluding an audience to ensure a pure environment, might lessen opportunity for ubiquity. Why market only to those who get the idea… SAFE is for everyone, even those who don’t appreciate it.

Perhaps naive example but I like Ethernet… That level of anybody can use it, tempts perhaps that SAFE is not simply a Browser or an app designed or authorized for use by doing what’s required - but instead a module in the background that allows anything that wants to make use of the SAFE network to do so. Something that users are not even aware of would be best?

That is, SAFE is the network - not the Browser or the app designed for it… and access to the network for everyone needs to be not forgot.


very nicely said . In the end if people choose to misuse an awesome tool, why bother, as long as the awesome tool is here for those who need it. :+1:


Have I asked something wrong perhaps? Any reason why my question just gets ignored?
A simple “No” is still an answer.
I don’t mean to come across as demanding, I am only just asking.

section graphs are data chains part 1
so this is the progress for this week
I dont know how long it will take though


I see, I didn’t realise, thank you @kemal1132!


I wouldnt blame you. it was only on previous week dev update. Easy to miss while skimming through


Patience - you waited 7 hours on a Saturday for something that only the core developers can respond to. I don’t think you should expect an answer to this anyway. Its a fair question, but unless you really need to know you can just follow the dev updates and watch the progress there.


I wouldn’t get agitated about not being implemented this calendar year. If they can get it right (Alpha3) and integrate it with Alpha2 , you can really start to get excited.


Awesome thanks so much guys keep up the good work

Have you identified a particular area/market/user that she will focus her efforts on first.
I know world domination is the goal :wink: but where does it start?

Probably a terrible question because everyone will have very different opinions on the matter :joy: so I wont expect an answer.