cool… i’ve helped…
thanks chaps!
cool… i’ve helped…
thanks chaps!
Great update.
All the best for the move to University of the West of Scotland, Ayr.
Swell is building all round SAFE … looking forward to seeing the giant technology wave.
Is anyone else missing a particular member on this forum or is it just me? guantanamo bay or a well deserved break?
I have to admit I am somewhat nostalgic of Tonda’s pin-ups.
Unfortunately, that is something the community will never know for sure, due to the lack of transparency and centralised model; the community are not involved in these decisions. Until such a time as those running things understand the concept of governance systems requiring the consent of the governed, this kind of thing will keep causing conflict and ill feeling I think. In this regard “Community forum” is a misnomer really and community members will continue to be “disappeared” periodically. I’ve laboured this point ad nauseum however to no effect…flogging a dead horse
Wrong: Suspended members list
EDIT: Also please stop going off-topic by talking about moderation which also isn’t allowed.
Oops, my question was less political I have not noticed Mr Irvine around!
authenticator dev build:
so if I’m passing the json api data to this new Authenticator, where do I send it? I used to send it to locahost I think, now where should I send it, to auth with this authenticator?
I think you’ll have to use the DOM API, when it’s ready. One of the goals of the authenticator is to get rid of the proxy the launcher used.
is that ready as part of the NodeJS API that they have available up on Github right now?
That’s what you use for “native” apps. Web-apps will use it indirectly through this AFAIK: GitHub - maidsafe-archive/beaker-plugin-safe-app: SAFE App API plugin for SAFE Browser
great, maybe I’ll do a walkthrough with @frabrunelle ,
once we get this working, we can start porting to other languages, like I’m attempting to start here
Hi is there any word on when the alpha 2 release will be?
What’s planned for Alpha 2?
This is awesome. Should attract the right kinds of attention. Surrounding yourself with you vibrant education, research and future oriented people is key. Well done.
Is there any plan to build a ARM version of safe_vault 0.13.2?
Yay he is back, not guantanamo or the dreaded suspension list… what a relief!! !
Yes moved house to a place with no mobile reception (remote) and BT managed to somehow cancel my phone/broadband. So had to drive up a mountain to get a signal on the mobile then do calls etc. So I was limited in many ways to get work done, never mind the forum. It was a bit of a nightmare, but all sorted now. All happy again and able to work and collaborate once more. Hopefully now I have an outhouse for an office and lab I can actually work faster, but a few more weeks of settling in first
Mountains, no mobile reception, remote… sounds like a slice of heaven. I’d trade the madness and flatness of Florida in a heartbeat. Happily do house swap if you ever want some sun and sand!
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: MaidSafe Dev Update - September 14, 2017