MaidSafe Dev Update - January 10, 2017

@nicklambert if you don’t mind what work is the team planning to outsource?

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Good luck and Happy New Year to the team!


No problem @Nigel. @Krishna_Kumar is currently working with a company in India to beef up resource on the Client side, while @Viv and @dirvine are considering which network components can be outsourced to help speed up development. It is pretty early days so they may not be able to provide much detail at this point, but I do know that they are looking at different options to supplement our existing resource. Apologies if this is a vague answer, but as I said it is early in the process. I’m sure we will be able to provide a little more detail here in the coming weeks and months as we move things forward.


That would be great to know whenever more info is available. Front end/client GUI makes a lot of sense to me just curious what else :slight_smile: Thanks @nicklambert


What a great update to kick off 2017… history in the making.


Hi guys.

About the workshop etc. have you considered some kind of online course?
Maybe this specific session is too far in progress, but a combined in situ and online course could be an effective use of resources.
I am also thinking about the increased reach, spawning potential ambassadors.