MaidSafe Dev Update - February 2, 2017 - Test 12

Just gave it a try… no issues


I just retried after reading your message at 13:25 (In the united states) , and I had no issues logging in. Sorry, not sure how much i can troubleshoot as i’m not much of a coder.

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Had vault connected for about 20ish hours, and, just my luck, I had a power outage. If anyone can recommend a really great UPS battery backup, I’m interested. Otherwise, I’ll probably just pickup the highest rated on Amazon.

Back to failing to get relocated name from the network for now. Was hoping my launcher move from earlier would bring success, but no such luck this time. :smiley:

Edit - Took just over 4 minutes to reconnect. Back on!


Have about 70 nodes in the routing table. Would say that approximately 75% of candidate nodes are failing the test to join right now.

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Yes we are in the droplets right now. We set a huge logging framework there and logs are hundreds of MBytes right now. It gives us the info we want though so we are debating bringing it down to stop the logging and allow us to trace all the calls etc.

Seems like disjoint sections with resource proof does work though, but crust is not traversing NAT properly maybe due to our late night changes on Thursday. We may restart next week, but first we need to take the time to analyse the massive logs and confirm candidate approval uses NAT traversal properly. We already identified a few things we need to attend to right now (not necessarily blockers).

  • Routing missed sending a split event to vault (simple routing invalid log message)
  • We have several UnknownPeerState messages that we wish to clear.
  • We are currently able to see some droplets are tunnelling for 40 connections along with the other 60 they are holding. Tunnels should be at zero at this stage of test. This may require a tweak to resource proof to confirm connection is available to external machines.

We are not 100% comfortable to keep filling the logs up whilst these tunnels will stall the network. We think the network is stalling and repairing, but should not require to be repairing at this rate at this stage. We are unsure there is data loss but this is a part of the logs we want to confirm as well.

Thanks again everyone for the very quick test, just give us a wee while to analyse the result and keep on track with vaults from home and on to data republish. So we will shut this down at midnight tonight (UTC).


My vault was acting weird, seemed to be hanging for hours and whining about prefixes. So I rebooted it. Tried checking the node.log but it won’t open. Anyway the vault won’t relaunch. It’ll open for like half a second then closes on itself. What gives?

the post right above yours, the last two lines:

Thanks again everyone for the very quick test, just give us a wee while to analyse the result and keep on track with vaults from home and on to data republish. So we will shut this down at midnight tonight (UTC)


Mine is still running.
Try adding “”, to hard_coded_contacts.

{INFO 10:05:44.942717457 [safe_vault::personas::maid_manager] Managing 64 client accounts. INFO 10:19:42.408210130 [routing::states::node] Node(454225..) Dropped f76800.. from the routing table. INFO 10:19:42.409044451 [routing::states::node] --------------------------------------------------------- INFO 10:19:42.409059876 [routing::states::node] | Node(454225..) PeerId(c055..) - Routing Table size: 13 | INFO 10:19:42.409069364 [routing::states::node] --------------------------------------------------------- INFO 10:31:24.131479623 [routing::stats] Stats - Sent 495000 messages in total, comprising 1676803837 bytes, 2040 uncategorised, routes/failed: [26490, 5111, 1304, 242, 220, 203, 190, 171]/11752 INFO 10:31:24.131500883 [routing::stats] Stats - Direct - NodeIdentify: 165, CandidateIdentify: 8, MessageSignature: 167952, ResourceProof: 65/11384/39819, SectionListSignature: 4495 INFO 10:31:24.131512250 [routing::stats] Stats - Hops (Request/Response) - GetNodeName: 4655/13, ExpectCandidate: 5291, AcceptAsCandidate: 553, SectionUpdate: 1733, SectionSplit: 56, OwnSectionMerge: 9, OtherSectionMerge: 15, RoutingTable: 16144/6668, ConnectionInfo: 128859/1233, CandidateApproval: 37, NodeApproval: 3, Ack: 66128 INFO 10:31:24.131526351 [routing::stats] Stats - User (Request/Success/Failure) - Get: 5793/5058/734, Put: 1486/1473/15, Post: 719/714/10, Delete: 2/2/0, Append: 0/0/0, GetAccountInfo: 118/117/1, Refresh: 21433}

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Super cool! Now if only we could reduce the resource requirements a tiny bit… I’m struggling to get accepted. Yesterday it worked at some point though.

Try adding “”, to hard_coded_contacts.

Is that your own server?

Yes my own server/router/nas from home with 500/500mbit fiber optic connection (netherlands).


Theres lots and lots of redundancy in the logs, so if you want so save space (and make it easier to handle the files), theres plenty room for improvement, imho. My vault log was almost 150 MB and it only ran for like a day or so.


Wow that was a short test. Just a day or so long.

FYI, If you want to support the network with your vault, you need to add a bootstrap IP to safe_vault.crust.config in the vault folder.

If you want to join the Network with the launcher, you need to add the bootstrap IP to safe-launcher.crust.config in the launcher folder. The easiest way is to just replace the first IP in the file with the new one - that way you will preserve the format. You might get an error otherwise.
This is for linux, It’s probably the same for other OS, but not sure.

You can use this IP:

I had to make a new account, so most data was probably lost, if not all.


I can connect again with the account I created early Test 12 after I added the hard coded contact. Thanks again @nailonhead

Has anyone been able to chat? I wasnt able to join on thursday or friday because of timeouts, but now I’m connected. Great stuff @hunterlester!!


hmmm - at my pc the installation fails :-\

i wrote a message to hunterlester with the error-message =)
sooo coool! i love chat-apps!

ps: got an immediate response :slight_smile: my nodejs-version was too old - now i’m updating it - yeeehaaaa safe-chat i’m coming xD


uuuuuh :smiley: it works! @hunterlester - a chat inside of testnet 12 !


btw - no shared account - realtime - community run vaults Only (!)

in my opinion that is a pretty huge thing :smiley:

i’ll just leave it open on my 2nd screen if anyone wants to join me :slight_smile: (e.g. @nice @whiteoutmashups @rand_om )
you just need to tweak the config-file for the launcher to use @nailonhead s bootstrap-server

make sure you have node v 6 (for ubuntu 16.04 this was not default nodejs - Why does installing node 6.x on Ubuntu 16.04 actually install node 4.2.6? - Ask Ubuntu )

and then follow the readme of @hunterlester


I’m still trying to get launcher connected

Where do i find that address?