MaidSafe Dev Update - August 17, 2017

Has there been any thought to giving Alpha 2 an alias?
Thinking along the lines of Ethereum.
Frontier, Metropolis, Serenity etc.

Alpha 2 lacks soul, pizazz and glitz or glamour it’s kind of Dull.

I feel as though perception is affected by the name and propose we give it something more deserving!
Something inspiring with more substance!

Any thoughts/suggestions on a great name may just convince the team!


Good idea!

I got one- Genesis?


I think that would have been suited to Alpha 1 maybe?

A quick search for network synonyms… “Labyrinth” caught my eye, or “Tangle”.
I’m sure there are better more appropriate names be found though.

I’m not sure if Alpha 1 needs another name.
But I like looking for names though :wink: :
I don’t know what it is, but I’ve heard that IOTA already is using the name ‘the Tangle’ for something.
Another network synonym: maze.
Not a maze, but some early, ‘Scottish’ inspired, safety measure: Hadrian’s Wall → Hadrianet?
Big Bang Net, Netty McNetFace, …

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Almost impossible to ignore :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


6 posts were split to a new topic: Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB)

Moved these posts to a new topic at the request of @happybeing

“or that add features.”

It’s these bits that are partly dragging out Maidsafe development IMHO.

Stop adding and start completing.


You do realise that (test)SAFEcoin will also be classed as “add feature” too. These will be required features in order to bring SAFE code to release state. They are not new thought up stuff


I guess what he meant is- don’t add any new items which can delay alpha2 delivery. I believe the team has a list of deliverables for alpha2. If all these are met at this point then maybe the focus should be on testing, fixing bugs and delivering alpha2… not on adding another feature which will delay alpha2 release.


Obviously that makes sense and I’m sure with all the pressure to deliver Maidsafe is not delaying that “critical path” to alpha2 & 3 releases.

This is where it can be a tad confusing. One of the posts by David tells us that there are separate teams working on different parts. Not everyone can do every task, it takes time for someone to get up to speed when changing modules/components (programming), also there is a optimal number of people to work on any one fix/task. So rather than have those who are not working on the critical parts for alpha 2 sit idle (obviously) they will be working on the next stage for their component/module. So this can also be the “features” being referred to.

I would be very surprised if they didn’t have maximum effort for getting alpha 2 out. Just you can only have so many working on fixes at any one time, so the others work on furthering the project.


Wasn’t the browser a new addition and not in any of the original papers?

The browser was a separate project then taken over with its own team in Maidsafe employed for that.

In any case it is a feature that was always going to be. The User Interface. So no not a new feature, just the UI in a better form. I think its pretty plain that a UI is (always was) needed and without it how would you or me test SAFE

Sure but this is what I’m talking about just the addition of new things that need to be connected tested and I’m sure there are others.

How is the UI new? The previous one was found unsuitable and needed replacing.

So what would you have them do, have zero UI?

Sometimes things don’t quite work out and an alternative is needed. These are to be expected and normal in s/w development. The browser / launcher is such an example. It is not adding new or previously unthought of features


Forgive me, but that’s just how I see it and a project that seems to move forward but never closer is a frustrating one at times,

Realistically, hiring 2 digital marketers means that Alpha 2 is probably a little while away, unless testnet 18b is dressed up as Alpha 2 (which I don’t think will be the case)

Why do you say that? I don’t think they are directly related as in “Alpha 2 will only be released once they hired the two marketeers”.


Yes that’s correct, won’t affect Alpha 2.

Some background and thoughts: MaidSafe have had a PR company on contract (and almost on hold) for over a year, with a view to expansion as we get closer to launch. Now we are stepping up the in house capability to manage marketing ventures with many kinds of people, marketing agencies, (v)bloggers, video makers, documentation companies and more. It’s all part of the larger plan, not related directly to any Alpha release and won’t affect Alpha 2 release.

As we move forward marketing/pr will feature as much as development in terms of pressures and release “barriers” if you like. So sometimes a release may be delayed to align the marketing and release, but that will be more so when we are feature complete (tl;rd test/safecoin :wink: ) as the company moves from purely research and development to a fully functioning entity. Well that’s the plan at the moment.

However at this time we are still doing the push hard and release fast (although it does not seem that way to anyone at times) without waiting for the “polish”. This pressure development releases will continue to feature complete AFAIK, along the way though we will start to shout a bit about our achievements, which can help a great many projects, but I feel also bring reality (in my opinion) to some as well. There is a lot more to SAFE than too many folks realise, but we will change that as much as possible in the next few months.


Yes, We understand Safe, Its super hard work guys are putting in, Code is solid, grows daily with more strength. It is really shown in the Git’s progress graph and every testnet/dev update is awesome huge step forward. Comparably other crap in the market all hype/Pr/Lies … I have seen some with only Readme, .gitIgnore file .

Marketing now will be awesome with such a strong foundation.


Thanks @dirvine. I didn’t mean any offence. Just wanted anyone who is a long termer and growing impatient to hang in there. I am a newcomer and am sold on the product. Having managed a large non-technical project, understand fully that the critical path can’t be compromised. Hang in there everyone.