MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 3rd May 2016

I get the feeling that this man is quite a powerhouse on the team. Wish we could hear a little more about him! (I was about to say “from” him but I think he’s very busy revolutionizing the entire world’s internet right now)


Wow this is huge!

Thank you @lightyear & Mr @Ross ! You gave us a place to really look deeply into what is happening and the stages things are at.

RFC’s are a huge part of what is going on day to day, and now that they are easily viewable as a whole, it’s like getting a dev update every day!!! :smiley: :smiley:


I’m fairly sure it just means that apt-get dist-upgrade doesn’t actually upgrades to a new distro, it only handles dependencies in a way that allows for resolving them accross different distros as well.

To actually switch to a newer distro (i.e. change the /etc/apt/sources things) I believe one needs the update-manager script, but you can try to edit those files manually, if that suits you better. I’m not sure what else update-manager does that plain apt-get doesn’t; it may be more than just this…

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See it, Be it, Do it.

Or whatever. Nice going @lightyear.


Oh, I just realised I missed a step, seems it was already too late yesterday.

After dist-upgrade, change the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list from your current distro to the next one and repeat the process. of update, upgrade and dist-upgrade. reboot.

Sorry about that and good catch @Tim87


@dirvine @hillbicks Thanks for your suggestions but I suspect I can’t upgrade this way. Using ssh -X I was able to get update-manager -d part of the way but then it just disappeared.

Then I tried do-release-upgrade running on the command line:

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

Took me through some promising steps but before beginning the actual upgrade it aborts after this:

Calculating the changes

Could not determine the upgrade 

An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. 

This can be caused by: 
* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu 
* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu 
* Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu 

If none of this applies, then please report this bug using the 
command 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in a terminal. 

Restoring original system state

Maybe Odroid-U3 needs some stuff not in the Ubuntu repo? In which case I’ll wait until Hardkernel create a new image and write a new eMMC image :frowning2:


That may be true with some distros, but I’m happily using Docker on a Raspberry Pi 2 with Arch Linux.

And it’s really easy to install too:
pacman --noconfirm -S docker usermod -aG docker <your-username> systemctl enable docker


@ktorn That’s interesting because when I looked (quite some time ago) I don’t think Docker supported ARM 32-bit. I’ll have to look again :slight_smile:

EDIT: ah, well I can install and run Docker now, but I would need to recompile the linux kernel for it to work on Ubuntu. In which case I might try switching to Arch instead. For now though I’m going to wait and see what the easiest option is when there is SAFE code I want to run. For now I can participate from my laptop instead (especially now the sun is shining on my solar panels :sunny:).

Thanks for your help everyone. Great community :slight_smile:


Right? Mine too :slight_smile: isn’t it great :sunny: :battery:


Meanwhile the water swishes through my tidal generators, back and forth, twice a day, morning, noon and night, hail, rain, snow and even sunshine.
A wee rest at slack water, but thats all.
20/24 hours beats an average of 12 :slight_smile:



On the canal we have a slow but steady flow… give me time :slight_smile:


Looking forward to hearing details of this last test.


@hillbicks I tried arch using the ALARM instructions and it didn’t work. I thought at first this was because I’m using a 64GB eMMC because I vaguely remember some issue about that, and posted for help on the ALARM and Odroid forums.

Earlier you said…

EDIT: Just checked, it’s actually 4.5

I’m still digging, but someone in the Odroid forum said Arch is still 3.8, I’m not sure if arch is still worth trying. Do you understand why they say this - see:

Programming 64GB eMMC (for Arch on Odroid-U3)


I would be surprised if arch did not have the latest kernel available. I use manjaro (basically arch) and at least they offer numerous kernels, even RC:s one-click away.

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Manjaro is not arch. It has it’s own package manager, different dev team, etc. It’s practically a different distro. Stop spreading fud, please. Just giving you heads up, Manjaro has a really bad security hole, broken SSL certification. Twice already. I wouldn’t recommend anybody to use Manjaro.


Arch is bleeding edge, it shouldn’t be on 3.8. But I then realize you’re talking about ARM. It sounds reasonable if it was still on older version. You’re using open source device mainly, eMMC. This is most likely the culprit. You’re going have to do a dirty hack on the kernel.

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All your bullshit aside i think you might be right on the ARM part.


You’re using open source device mainly, eMMC. This is most likely the culprit. You’re going have to do a dirty hack on the kernel.

That sounds beyond me so I may have wait for Hardkernel to provide an updated Ubuntu.

I’d like to try arch though - maybe with NILFS or F2FS.

Well I’ll be damned. I just installed arch on the odroid C1 I still have laying around here and the current kernel version for that is actually

Linux alarm 3.10.96-5-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Apr 28 19:19:32 MDT 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux

Sorry about that, apparently the kernel versions vary vastly between the different odroid versions, since someone on that forum just stated that it is still on 3.8 for the U3.

As for the eMMC, it seems that there is a problem with that, but I personally never had any problems with my eMMC card, neither on the C1, nor on the C2. Strange indeed.

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Have you tried 64GB? I don’t have the reference, but think it is specifically that size that can be problematic.

Nope, only the 32 GB version :slight_smile:

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