MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 26th April 2016

Onehelluva surprise update. :slight_smile:


All I read is improvements, can’t believe that some people don’t have to patience to witness every minute of this beautiful network in progress.

Thanks Maidsafe devs you girls/guys are the best.

I’m just hoping that all goes well and you all can take a well deserved break and the community can try to break this alien network

Thanks again, can’t say it enough :stuck_out_tongue:

Side note: that this beautiful service can come at sucha price, soon I’ll get me some more computing/storage and censorship resistant dns SAFEcoins.

Thank God that I’m still in the twilight zone and I can buy enough computing resources, if you really believe in this network, that’s all that’s important.


Keep up the good work! Thanks for the update!


Great update. Keep it up, team!


A big congrats and thanks, David, to you and to everyone on the team. I think there are a lot of people like me who are following the progress w/o necessarily speaking up, but you guys and gals are doing some honest-to-gawd heroic work, imho. I don’t work in tech, but am looking forward to finding ways of contributing – ideally in the arts sector, where I pass most my time. n99 looks interesting, and I’m continuing to explore other options as well. Anyway: thank you for the opportunities MaidSafe is making possible.


You should print out some of the choice posts from the ‘Introduce yourself’ topic and pin them on your notice board. Devs who dont see the other side can get a glimpse into the folk that really, really believe in their ability to deliver the project. I was blown away reading some of those stories


I am new to safenetwork. Just now started exploring the community and working on to use on my projects. The updates are very solid and happy to be here.


No more fighting that router folks, hole punching is coming :kissing_heart: