MaidSafe Dev Update :safe: 21st September 2015

We will see it then. I hope yo are right, really.

That’s your opinion, not a fact.

I think the bounty system is absolutely in its infancy and we need to develop it. I would see its involvement in Rust-4 as very successful from an engagement perspective, but with hindsight it took quite a lot of our core devs time. I believe a big reason for that is that we did not spec the tasks with nearly enough detail, something that we are going to be focussing on much more in the next sprint. So, I think if we tweak the process, making continual improvements, we should be able to arrive at a place where we are leveraging the talent and passion of the community in such a way that everyone involved benefits.


Woot anonymous communication is on its way. When we start developing the actual network and connecting with one another will we be able to share data as well? Ie anonymous file transfers and data storage/sharing? If I understand how maidsafe works probably… isn’t it just uploading something to SAFE and sharing the bookmark via a message of some kind? Will personas be in play during the next sprint or will that come later?

Also if we upload anything to the network is it permanant or is the network going to be wiped at some point before launch?


Got the chance to participate in the bounty program and as you said it

Most of the tasks where written in anticipation that main core dev would be working on them and have working knowledge of what is needed. That said i like the current process so far though it would be nice to have MaidSafe have a dedicated person to handle the community pull requests.

This is something that would be fixed with having a dedicated person to handle the bounty program tasks. Most of the time you would find that when feedback is provided on the pull request am either offline or the reviewer is offline hence a lag in pace of things. I guess this is the case for other participants since contributions are done during our free time.

Been a rust newbie I do appreciate the time and patience taken by the core dev to facilitate the bounty program. Thanks.


I moved 2 posts to a new topic: Crust doesn’t compile

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absolutely :smile: we should be showcasing the same with the messaging examples as well as part of the messaging feature

yeh the bookmark essentially would the DataMap or DirectoryListing to the chunks you want shared and the other person can then put together the pieces to get the original content. That way you’re not transmitting the actual content across to the other person thereby also saving bandwidth and time in transferring huge file sizes across users in the network

If you mean the Vault personas like MaidManager / DataManager … they’re already in play and will need to be be for the network to function.

Probably best to assume it will be temporary for now, while we still work heavily in the core libs and iterate through quite a bit of code updates.