Live data sharing with CRDTs

Hi Folks

Since I wrote the Data Æther I’ve been hurrying to take the next step and show some more concrete ideas supporting the idea of a pervasive data abstraction.

One of the most important features of such an abstraction, in my view, is how well you can describe the semantics of your data structures. Following the lead of JSON-LD, I’ve wanted first-class support for Lists in m-ld for a while, so, time to put my money where my mouth is…

Truth and Just Lists: multi-collaborator editable Lists in m-ld’s JSON-LD interface

This included supporting work in m-ld to implement the List type as an extension, showing a path to how other data structure extensions might work.

I’m really happy (and relieved) to say, it’s working.

As usual, feedback, thoughts, and next step ideas super-welcome!