5 posts were split to a new topic: What category, terminology do we use for the Safe Network and its in network token
MaidSafe has been hard at work, others have been noticing, and even more people should know about it too!
Because as @Michael_Hills said, it’s one fabulous quote!
I am not convinced you are aware of the exact meaning of that phrase round these parts … dirty big grin
Yea that could be dodgy said in the wrong parts o oor (real) capital.
Uh oh…
Aye a wee bit of business to get sorted out in due time that wan
Never mind that £400m hospital pass we got in Holyrood, we should just have taken over the old Strathclyde Region Debating Chamber in India St - Perfect for the purpose - (and with good motorway links too)
It would be good for people on twitter to tag some prominent people in the retweets going out who we know have expressed an interest in the past in the project as they might not even be following it anymore. Something to say hey guys, check this out, it’s happening.
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Privacy. Security. Freedom
I haven’t used Facebook in ages, but for you, I shall log in
Done and Done !!
Blockfolio update is live!
Because everyone wants to know “are we there yet?”
About 3 weeks ago Lex Fridman liked a tweet about chatting with David. Now that the testnet has launched: like, retweet, and comment to see if we can get this to happen
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Privacy. Security. Freedom
Like, retweet and comment because the world needs to know that Fleming Testnet v2 is live!!
Also @upstate, @riddim, & @happybeing: could the Reddit page get updated too with a new pinned post?