step by step the era of the creative is rising Sessions is being shaped by bands filmakers authors artists programmers etc no more middle men. A common wealth of human knowledge where creative people can collaborate share ideas where creators are rewarded for the creations they generate. n99 is a platform where you can shape evolution of the live decentralized data base
Follow the compass - Ceiling Demons Follow The Compass | Ceiling Demons
Follow the compass, the purpose of this world will be certain.
Opens yours eyes and be alerted.
Wake up to the sound of life, sunshine and vibes.
Darkness day, longest night.
We all bear in mind, the battle-scars from the wars fought in our time,
In our eyes, memories get revived, but to let go and realise,
Will paint a stronger future for the generations who survive.
Shake away all the bad karma, regrets and dwellings.
The past is over, the future is unwritten, and this is the story I’m telling - Ceiling Demons Life is people #50 ceiling demons - #4 by we_advance
#the era of the creative is rising