This is no longer needed, just head to safe://safechat.jam
To use website go to safe://safechat.jam
Wait for the website to load
Right click on the website and click on inspect element
This will bring up a new window called dev tools
Click the tab that says console there
Copy and paste(ctrl-c ctrl-v) this code in to there
//Intial function "Use strict"; $('#sendmessage').click(function() { authorise(); }); $('#refresh').click(function() { getMessages(); }); //initialises and authorises with the network (function() { var app = { name: "Safe Chat", id: "joe", version: "1", vendor: "joe", }; window.safeApp.initialise(app) .then((appHandle) => { console.log("Initialise Token: " + appHandle); window.safeApp.connect(appHandle) .then((appHandle) => { //returns app token auth = appHandle; authorised = false; Materialize.toast(" App Token: " + auth, 3000, 'rounded'); getMutableDataHandle(); }); }, (err) => { console.error(err); Materialize.toast(err, 3000, 'rounded'); }); })(); function authorise() { if (authorised === false) {; auth = ""; var app = { name: "Safe Chat", id: "joe", version: "1", vendor: "joe", }; var permissions = { '_public': [ 'Read' ] }; window.safeApp.initialise(app) .then((appHandle) => { console.log("Initialise Token: " + appHandle); window.safeApp.authorise(appHandle, permissions) .then((authURI) => { // console.log(auth); window.safeApp.connectAuthorised(appHandle, authURI) .then((authorisedAppHandle) => { //returns authorised app token auth = authorisedAppHandle; authorised = true; Materialize.toast("Authorised App Token: " + auth, 3000, 'rounded'); getMutableDataHandle(); sendMessage(); }); }); }, (err) => { console.error(err); Materialize.toast(err, 3000, 'rounded'); }); } else { sendMessage(); } } function getMutableDataHandle() { var name = "safechat"; window.safeCrypto.sha3Hash(auth, name) .then((hash) => window.safeMutableData.newPublic(auth, hash, 3000)) .then((safeChatHandle) => { mdHandle = safeChatHandle; getMessages(); }); } function getMessages() { window.safeMutableData.getEntries(mdHandle) .then((entriesHandle) => { messages.innerHTML = ""; var date = new Date(); var time = date.getTime(); window.safeMutableDataEntries.forEach(entriesHandle, (key, value) => { if (uintToString(value.buf).length < 300 && uintToString(value.buf) !== "" && parseInt(uintToString(key)) < time && parseInt(uintToString(key)).toString().length === 13 && uintToString(key).length === 13 && uintToString(key).substring(0, 4) == 1502) { console.log('Key: ', uintToString(key)); console.log('Value: ', uintToString(value.buf)); $("#messages").append('<div class="row"><div class="card-panel yellow"><span class="blue-text">' + uintToString(value.buf) + '</span></div></div>'); } window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); });; }, (err) => { console.error(err); // Materialize.toast(err, 3000, 'rounded'); }); } function sendMessage() { window.safeMutableData.newMutation(auth) .then((mutationHandle) => { var date = new Date(); var time = date.getTime(); window.safeMutableDataMutation.insert(mutationHandle, time.toString(), textarea.value) .then(_ => window.safeMutableData.applyEntriesMutation(mdHandle, mutationHandle)) .then(_ => { Materialize.toast('Message has been sent to the network', 3000, 'rounded');; getMessages(); }); textarea.value = ""; }); } function uintToString(uintArray) { return new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(uintArray) .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(/</g, "<") .replace(/>/g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); }
Press enter and everything should work then
If you have any issues please let me know.
please come by and leave a message