It is time for ERC20 MAID!

Hah, one more off-topic point I want to make, is that it is hard to even think about the difficulties people face in different conditions.

One example from Mozambique is that there is a shop that sells, amongst other things, plastic buckets, that are normal buckets BUT they have a small hole in the bottom. No one knows why there is this hole. Maybe some second class products that are “destroyed” by boring a hole there, but then some clever businessman decides to sell them to Africa anyway.

Now in western part of the world you wouldn’t even consider checking carefully if the plastic bucket you are buying is in working condition. But in Mozambique (and I guess in many African countries), you can buy all kinds of shit you wouldn’t even imagine can exist. So it is really no wonder if trust is a scarce resource there.

Ok, I just wanted to share this kind of funny anekdote, but to try to make this even a bit on-topic: “something to trust” could be one appeal of SAFE in many parts of the world.