Further to this discussion:
There has been previous discussion on this forum of deterministic builds as a desired feature of SAFE core software.
Deterministic builds (or what the Debian developers call “reproducible builds”) is source code that produces the exact same binary files each time it is compiled. The binaries in common software can vary from one compilation to another due to such extraneous conditions as timestamps. I only know about it from my reading, but as I understand it, deterministic source code is accompanied with a description of the compiler and other conditions that a user would need to use in order to produce exactly the binary that is offered for download by the developer/publisher. In that way, the end user (who compiles his own files) can be confident that the downloadable binaries are indeed compiled from the source that is published. And since the source code of popular (and particularly: security-sensitive) software tends to get examined by various, independent people, then even users who never read source code can have a high(er) degree of confidence that it hasn’t been back-doored.
Deterministic builds, in conjunction with cryptographic signature of downloads, eliminate man-in-the-middle attacks, on software downloads, by global adversaries. NSA and GCHQ have been revealed as engaging in such attacks New NSA Leak Shows MITM Attacks Against Major Internet Services - Schneier on Security
For that reason, projects such as Tor and Bitcoin have made their code deterministic/reproducible.
Safe network would need the same protection.
And, taking a cue from Debian ( ReproducibleBuilds - Debian Wiki ), which has tens of thousands of packages and a few more years catching up to do before they are 100% complete, it would make it easier in the long run to make sure that SAFE apps are deterministic/reproducible at the beginning when there are only a few of them.