IOT on SAFE network

Thought I would re-ignite this conversation.

I was just privy to an interesting conversation by a SAP representative and one of my companies directors about the security concerns they are having with IoT.

Essentially our company works with an IoT technology firm to stick their modems into our device and broadcast the info, they also supply the user front end app and website dashboard. We use SAP internally as our enterprise software for order process, operations, accounting etc. These IoT folks are pushing to integrate with SAP but SAP being very German and very privacy and security focused is concerned about security issues as they have tested a few IoT systems and they have had 3 security issues already. This is locally in Australia. I assume globally it is even more.

I think we need to jump on this as soon as we hit Beta.

IoT is going to be in the billions of devices very soon and there are massive security issues with it if you think about it, random IoT devices on roads, in cars, in the street, in malls and shopping centers, connected through gateways or cell towers to company and government servers…its a disaster waiting to happen.

PS for the mods not sure but maybe we need to connect this thread to this one: Internet of Things (IoT) and SAFE net - #17 by neo