If omniwallet service disappears what happens to MAID stored?

You do NOT send your private key anywhere. All the time the private key stays client side.
From omni wallet wiki:

The actual creation of a transaction is elegant in its simplicity:

  1. a JSON payload is crafted locally
  2. The payload contains: from_address, pubKey, to_address, amount, currency, fee
  3. The JSON Payload is posted to the Omni server which responds with a specialized transaction for the wallet owner’s public key
  4. The client in turn signs the transaction and posts it back to Omni to broadcast into the bitcoin network
  5. Notice how the server never needs your private key, and you only use it client side.

Oh ok, i keep reading that omni wants you to upload your private key in order to send, im guessing this is because the omni webwallet wants to make this easy. Is it possible to sign offline using a downloaded version of the omni wallet?

Hey friend,

it’s easiest and safest to use a Trezor hardware wallet. Why are you struggling with software that is not so SAFE?

Above poster stated that this is no longer supported, are you currently using this?

Of course, it works fine. I last used it a month ago…