How should SAFEcoin be available for purchase?

There will be no centralised exchange listing Safecoin. We can rule that out with extremely high probability, FATF has spoken and centralised exchanges are toeing the line:

There might be a small window of time where tiny under the radar intermediary localbitcoin type exchange brokering transfers is possible but unfortunately escrow service providers are just over-the-counter trading brokers i.e another form of centralised exchange service and fall under the same worldwide FATF rules - No Privacy Tokens allowed - so any key individuals involved will be leaned on to comply and/or shut down if compliance is not possible as will be the case with Safecoin, probably sooner rather than later.

So unless MaidSafe plans to make Safecoin traceable and non-anonymous there will be no long term solution other than to fully embrace decentralisation in all it’s forms including gateways to liquidity sources, regardless of your moral or practical stance on the KYC/AML regime that FATF built.

I am not too worried I fully expect the Safe API will be used to create various two way bridges between various brands of ERC20-SafeCoin and Safecoin transparently locking tokens between them as already happens with ERC20-Bitcoin and similar. I just hope the first iterations will not be too frail and centralised since there will be no smart contract facilities available initially on the Safe Network to properly decentralise the Safecoin half of the process.

The great thing about decentralised permissionless networks: If there is a need, anyone motivated enough can fill it without requiring permission. Contracts can be verified independently giving credibility to the process freeing the need for decree of authenticity by Maidsafe or anyone else (at least that will be the case when computation is available on the Safe network).