So, not so much technical stuff, yet. But some thoughts:
Regarding @TylerAbeoJordan’s initiative, the SafeApp Foundation ICO.
I definitely agree that a DAO would be preferrable over an ICO.
In that topic, some seemed to be ambivalent or even against it.
I definitely see a need for it, but at minimum see its potential benefits.
Collaboration and focus of goals and resources has always been the way to achieve greater things. Whether that be a business venture or foundation or other collaboration.
What we desire is to kick start SAFE Network, or at minimum, just give it the best possible opportunities to thrive.
Here in the community we have visionaries, we have capitalists, we have inventors, people working hard, people with a lot of knowledge, and pretty much all in between.
It’s not very controversial to assume that given the right selection of this group, and the right goals, these resources can be put to achieve a lot.
Some think that the greatest thrust forward will come from the world of developers (teams etc) out there, as the awareness of SAFE and it’s potential spreads. And that I see as quite likely too.
But how will this awareness spread?
I’m a developer, and what gets me most excited are real examples. Not fancy marketing, but code, apps, implemented functionality, solved problems - which themselves open the doors to new problems to be solved. That’s what gets me going.
So, by that I mean to say, if there is a way to pump in good visions and resources into producing some of the top wanted apps on SAFE, then those apps will be the absolute best marketing for SAFE and they will be the best attractor for the large masses of developers/teams entering.
I think there’s a very good chance that when having the right people, focusing hard and with enough resources, you will be able to do the above.
Regarding the extended topic of the OP and the question of a Safe Society / Safe Democracy / Governance system:
Talking about a “Safe Society” will probably require some sort of time aspect. If Safe grows big, then there will be various stages.
We could always try envision what Safe could be to us, wether that be what it ideally should become, or what it seems likely to become in the short term.
DAOs can and will be constructed in different ways, and the different purposes will shape them.
As I mentioned in previous post, some things will not require real identity of people, while other things would.
So, how the ideal DAO would be shaped, would depend on the purpose of it.
Some DAOs could be using liquid democracy, which would mean that you would be able to delegate votes. Others would use direct democracy, where 1 person is 1 vote.
Yet others would involve reputation systems, stakes, and other sorts of proofs of contribution, effort or skin in the game - and combinations of these.
Voting power based on reputation is actually a sort of liquid democracy, but where you can not only delegate (you dilute yours and everyone else’s vote weight when you increase the weight of an individual, and by that you have delegated some of your vote) but also remove voting powers from others, and give it to all others, by downvoting.
For things not requiring proof of unique human, I would consider something like:
Putting in basic payment to get the ability to vote, and then getting upvotes for comments, which could be traded for more voting power (to be burned) or cashed out, or kept for status. This would enable multiple incentives.
Tying votes to farming would be just one of many ways, which you could do this.
About governance and SafeNet and having a starting point, if only to at least decide on what governance system that would be adopted. I think governance of SafeNet might not be exactly what we should start. But governance of a supporting entity to the Network, an incubating environment for it, that I think is just the perfect level.
I see no reason what so ever why not setting up a sorts of debating chamber with voting enabled for this purpose. I would even like to see some voting already, not sure about what, but the concept is very appealing, and to just start there would be really fascinating.