To be perfectly honest, I’m not surprised at all. The crypto space, where SAFE is inevitably placed, is full of progress, good news and “soon”.
People who can actually read the code on GitHub and see concrete progress are few and far between. Most people who hear about this new Internet can only ask “Where is it at, and how do I search it?”. The answer is, "Well, it’s not really there yet, or there is like this centralized version that you can try out, but you need to spend time on a forum and get an invite first. And you can’t search it yet. Most stop here.
Then there are people like me who can’t read much code but do see great potential and like testing stuff a bit. But when I try to create my first HTML-page I get stuck when being asked for a “subdomain” that I don’t understand, as well as confused by terms like publicID/Public name. This is a small example. I guess my point is that testing little “Joe Sixpack things” should be simplified and the way to do it well-documented on one official site.
@JPL and others have done great work writing the Primer which for some reason isn’t found on There is also Your first SAFE website – start to finish in just 20 minutes, but it seems a bit outdated. If it still is relevant, I think the guide should also be on the official site, not buried in some forum.
One thing I would like very much is the ability to wipe anything I’ve done and start afresh, or at least change the names of domain/subdomain/publicID/public name et al. I realize stuff i supposed to be kept forever on the final network, but for testing it’s good to be able to start from scratch in order to e.g. meaningfully reproduce a bug.
Apparently I can’t quote a closed topic, but this is what @bochaco wrote earlier:
“the Web Hosting Manager won’t show you the public name sascha for you to publish a website on it because we still didn’t make the WHM app compatible with the data format (RDF) used by the WebID Manager app”
What is the state of the Web Hosting Manager now, and what is its relation to the WebID Profile Manager?