Since updating the app via Umbrel yesterday, nothing Is happening. I don’t know if there is no network or if it’s a problem with the app itself or what.
I’ve stopped the app and restarted it a couple of times. Tried to add new notes. No joy. Previous notes don’t come up at all.
The only thing I haven’t done is uninstall and reinstall .Any suggestions?
Make sure you refresh the page with Ctrl+F5, sometimes after updating the app the browser keeps loading a cached version of its GUI and that could have issues connecting to the new backend, refreshing with Ctrl+F5 forces the browser to clear the cache and fetch the latest from the backend.
Are you able to create a new node? if so, check the browser console (F12) if there is any message logged when you try to create or start the new node.
Next version will show a warning on the GUI when the connection to the backend has been lost, sometimes the issue is just that and refreshing the page solves it, specially after updates, at least it will hopefully help in clarifying where the issue could reside in this type of situations.
Edit: version 0.2.11 just published is to provide only the feature mentioned above.