Fleming Testnet v4 Release - *NOW OFFLINE - v5 RELEASED*

Following a useful prompt from @Aragorn to use get

I just started a test of what had seemingly uploaded ok over that 9hrs at startup.

So, this is a run of 35 queries and it’s stuck on the next as if hung perhaps but the first few throwing obvious errors

$ safe files get -i bars safe://hyryyry96dzmggj9icgwr7cptjtqesieemcnogw5p6u9fqqtc95aaxyz1eenra?v=0 ./hello/
Done. Retrieved 3 files to ./hello/
$ safe files get -i bars safe://hyryyry9sdrwiacxgjggfhmgs54cwgh98wtx1fgfiw95sh8emnn11w8oqsanra?v=0 ./1/
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData)
$ safe files get -i bars safe://hyryyry4icerga8th1afuopw7euscte13x9yhw618wj6s691rtjkuu71dsynra?v=0 ./2/
Done. Retrieved 6 files to ./2/
$ safe files get -i bars safe://hyryyry778dq1s41hkh88knax6cyzh55zj8hyfxrnjbgbdbhberrugozqtenra?v=0 ./3/
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData)
$ safe files get -i bars safe://hyryyry9zu79m7ta86p7wfc4jnnr7ponn7wm1g7t3p7z4ihanfo8efhw7ganra?v=0 ./4/
Done. Retrieved 3 files to ./4/
$ safe files get -i bars safe://hyryyryhizu4pje3onzfkjxgaky3ws1df5hjroya1wyg3mbtwfiwgo1xzdynra?v=0 ./5/
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData)

Not a rigorous check but those Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData) then the only Error type I’ve seen… expecting the Warning in the log was nothing of Error as such.

So, get working better than cat perhaps but still not ideal given it’s hung now a few minutes.

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