ERC-20 Transition

It seems there could be a way to bypass sending the maid to a burning adress when converting to safecoin if fees become a real stopper :
:I Have problem transferring my maidsafecoin from hitbtc to poloniex - #33 by neo

also read my questions about how it would work a few posts later in the same thread.

Sounds a bit of extra work, but it seems it would indeed work. ( tldr : at maid/safecoin conversion day, maid are frozen at current btc block number ( so no double spend possible outside, no other usage possible than converting ). Then you sign a message containing your Safe wallet ID with your maid private key, and send it to Maidsafe, who credits the Safecoin wallet accordingly. )

Given this possibility, I don’t think we should worry too much. Imho better to not make unnecessary waves, and let the team focus on developing the core network.

EDIT : indeed this doesn’t adress the issue that nobody wants to use their maid for small CEP donations due to fees being higher than the amount sent… Then again, imho, core development is the priority.