Some team member might come by and correct me, this is my current understanding:
Sure. Personally, I think trying to conflate the two pieces of functionality makes it harder to understand.
I talk about it a bit here: Data Chains documentation summary - #7 by oillio
They are really two different features with different goals and trade-offs.
Think of the section blocks as a more fundamental piece of infrastructure. It is the root of truth, security, and time for the network. It defines what nodes belong to which sections at any given time.
The data management blocks ride on top of this, referencing section blocks to anchor data change events in time, creating an immutable order of events.
Data management blocks must be aware of and reference section blocks, as the section is providing the security to enforce data management rules. Section blocks don’t need to know data management blocks even exist and have no need to reference them.
The Data management chain design will be informed by the section block design, but doesn’t need to use the exact same implementation.