Code: FileSystem - Unlimited Size (working on Mock Network)

Hi @bytes, thanks from the feedback.

This POC was just a first small reconnaissance.
I then began new one with a better starting point.
So this topic is not the current head.

The current project is here: Release: SAFE.NetworkDrive on Windows v.0.1.0-alpha.1

It is now totally different. As it is event sourced, with the actual file system in memory, the data being stored to network is becoming agnostic of platform as well (that is what is being worked on now).

So the filesystems are only projections, and this means you can build on the same stream (same drive) from Windows and Linux. If and what compromises that will lead to in the mapping is to be seen.

This is a distinct approach from the one you suggest. Check it out.

I started with Windows since that is what I am fluent with and I have thus made fast progress with the concepts. Linux and OSX will take more time.