Can I play around with a safe network testnet?

Jawohl, Herr Grammarhauptbahnhoffuhrer!! Zum behfel!!


Iā€™m the naziest grammar Nazi you ever saw, ainā€™t I, even in a foreign language. :wink:


Nein. You have not seen me in a bad mood when I canā€™t get to extract the urine from the free-marketeers. :slight_smile:
But your skills are most impressive. Is english your second, third or fourth language?


Iā€™d say fourth. But I use it much more than I use Russian nowadays.


Brush up on your pyccian - we will need mods who are fluent in ALL the major languages soon.

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I updated Can I play around with a safe network testnet? - #8 by Southside with a new upload to YouTube with commentary.

Adding audio has bloated the filesize to a frightening extent so this is now the first part of a 3 or more part series on the care and feeding of baby-Fleming.

More later :slight_smile:

Yes I know I need a better mic ā€” whaddya expect from a Ā£5 ebay headset?


Can someone remind me of the command to show the SK of the ā€œdefaultā€ account created with
safe auth create --test-coins please?

If you self-authorised the CLI after that auth create command, and you mean the CLIā€™s keypair then: $ safe keys show --show-sk

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willie@gagarin:~$ safe keys show --show-sk
Current CLI's SafeKey found at /home/willie/.safe/cli/credentials:
XOR-URL: safe://hyryyyyny97wwrrrec4hjzeadc1hn9ks8dooq8q8m6qqrat3n8m6q5yiicr
Public Key: 40ff6942108866b89ba30364b82faac71c20e3b8ebf39c4c47223afced82b561
Secret Key: 5cd86d72ab41de5b4bfc87487b3a86597e34f7298e77b592c0bb4b5aff1e3295

Yaay ! Thank you

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I got it to work by using ubuntu through wsl 2.

feels like magic!


Nice @Southside ! Iā€™ve been meaning to have a go at recording my screen, so Iā€™ll give screencast a go too.

Itā€™s good to have these sort of videos to help people get the experience without having to do it themselves.


EDIT: Here was a short screencast on the safe networks command where I discover a possible bug.
Iā€™ll redo this safe networks segment and repost it to avoid any confusion


What you saw there is just that you are mapping a network name to the location where actually the list of contacts is written when you switch to a network, and where the CLI/client reads them from to bootstrap to the network. Thus, you should never add a network name mapped to ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config since thatā€™s overwritten with whichever network contact addresses you want to connect to.

If you want to have some contacts list in some file, for some local test you have, then you have to create another file and then add a network name mapping it to that other file, e.g.:

$ safe networks add my-local-net <some path>/my-local-node_connection_info.config

If you then switch to my-local-net, CLI will overwrite the ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config with the content of <some path>/my-local-node_connection_info.config. You can see the same happens if you switch to a network which is mapped to the S3 URL, it fetches it from the URL and writes that content onto ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config.

We could restrict CLI to not allow you to add a network mapped to ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config.


OK so its not really a bug - just me DoingItWrong in a screencast - Iā€™ll take it down and redo it carefully based on what you say here about the ā€œdefaultā€ network


gd feedback tho, you can stay in Scotland right enough then :smiley: :smiley:


Iā€™d say itā€™s a UX bug, so we should restrict it so nobody runs into the same scenario.


Yep, donā€™t let him or his tadpoles out.


No sure I want to with Nicola the Devo sellout bitch and her green gender-fascist pals possibly running the show on behalf of Boris

Too late - my elite team of tadpoles have delivered their payloads of Ferrobacillus ferrooxidans into the waterways around Cheltenham.
Your future is best characterised as ā€œdampā€.

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Iā€™m safe then!